00-12 |
- Compensation for performing official duties; tips
- Does the acceptance of a tip by a student employed as a waiter in a college restaurant violate the prohibition in RCW 42.52.110 against receiving additional compensation for performing official duties? No / See Opinion
- Does the acceptance of a tip by a student employed as a waiter in a college restaurant violate the prohibition in RCW 42.52.110 against using state employment to grant special privileges to another person? No / See Opinion
RCW 42.52.110
RCW 42.52.070
02-03 |
- Conflicts between the regulatory and proprietary functions of the Department of Natural Resources
- Does the Ethics in Public Service Act address conflicts between the regulatory and proprietary functions of the DNR? No / See Opinion
98-04 |
RCW 42.52.020
RCW 42.52.070
03-03 |
- Use of frequent flyer miles by state officers and employees
- Can a state officer or employee use frequent flyer miles earned from official state travel for personal travel? Qualified Yes / See Opinion
- Can a state officer or employee donate airline tickets to a state agency for official state travel by using personal frequent flyer miles? Yes / See Opinion
- Can a state officer or employee purchase airline tickets for official state travel using personal frequent flyer miles and then seek reimbursement of that travel payment from the state? See Opinion
98-10 01-02 01-07A |
RCW 42.52.020
RCW 42.52.030
RCW 42.52.070
RCW 42.52.150
RCW 42.52.160
03-04 |
- Selling complimentary textbooks
- May state higher education faculty sell complimentary textbooks, which were received under an exemption to the gift prohibitions? See Opinion
96-05 97-03 97-07 |
RCW 42.52.070
RCW 42.52.140
RCW 42.52.150
RCW 42.52.160
RCW 42.52.900
RCW 42.52.901
04-02 |
- Use of state facilities to support private commercial advertising activity
- May an individual state officer or employee use state facilities, including state paid time, to participate in the creation or review of articles and other advertising materials that will be used to promote private commercial products and services? No / See Opinion
- May a state officer or employee, acting within the course of official duties and under the authority of his or her agency, use state facilities, including state paid time, to promote private commercial products and services? Qualified Yes / See Opinion
99-03 02-02A |
RCW 42.52.070
RCW 42.52.160
WAC 292-110-010 |
99-02 |
- Use of state resources
- Nonprofit entities
- Whether state employees may operate a nonprofit corporation within a state agency for the purpose of overseeing fundraising and ensuring compliance with the state's ethics laws? Qualified No / See Opinion
RCW 42.52.010
RCW 42.52.050
RCW 42.52.070
RCW 42.52.140
RCW 42.52.150
RCW 42.52.160