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Who we are

Our Staff

The Executive Ethics Board staff includes an Executive Director, Administrative Officer and two Investigators. The Board is an independent entity, but the Board’s staff is funded and supported through the Attorney General’s Office (AGO).

Kate Reynolds

Executive Director

Ruthann Bryant

Administrative Officer

Justin Cotte

Senior Digital Forensic Investigator

Swift Sanchez

Senior Digital Forensic Investigator


Executive Ethics Board

Phone: 360.664.0871


Our Board

The Washington State Executive Ethics Board was created by chapter 42.52 RCW in 1995 to enforce the state's ethics law and rules adopted under it with respect to statewide elected officers and all other officers and employees in the executive branch, boards and commissions, and institutions of higher education.

The Board is comprised of five members appointed by the Governor for five-year terms. Two of the five members must be current state employees; one an exempt employee and one a classified employee. One of the remaining three members of the Board is selected from names provided by the State Auditor’s Office, one from names provided by the Attorney General’s Office and one is a citizen-at-large. Except for initial members and those completing partial terms, members serve a single five-year term. The members play a crucial role in the policy setting and enforcement of the Ethics Act.

If you are interested in serving on our board, please visit our how to apply to become a board member webpage.

Executive Ethics Board Members

Kelli Hooke, Chair

Citizen at Large
Term expires September 30, 2026

Megan Abel, Vice Chair

Classified state employee, Employment Security Department
Term expires September 30, 2027

Jan Jutte

State Auditor nominee
Term expires September 30, 2024

Cameron Comfort

Attorney General nominee
Term expires September 30, 2028

David Hankins

Exempt state employee, Office of the Attorney General 
Term expires September 30, 2025

Apply for appointment to the Board