Administrative Hearings, Office of |
09/11/2020 |
Policy 408 Use of State Resources - NEW.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
07/13/2006 |
AGO_email_071306.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
07/13/2006 |
AGO_business_related_social_activities_071306.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
07/13/2006 |
AGO_gifts_business_meals_and_honoraria_071306.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
07/13/2006 |
AGO_wellness_071306.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
03/12/2021 |
III.13 Pro Bono approved 031221.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
07/17/2015 |
AGO Affinity Groups Policy.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
07/13/2006 |
AGO_internet_071306.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
01/10/2014 |
AGO Social Networking.pdf |
Attorney General, Office of the |
01/11/2019 |
AGO Use of State Resources 011119.pdf |
Board of Accountancy |
11/17/2023 |
#101 - Ethics.pdf |
Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals |
11/13/2009 |
BIIA Use of Resources Policy 111309.pdf |
Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss |
05/8/2015 |
CDHL Approved Ethical Conduct Policy.pdf |
Clark College |
05/12/2017 |
Clark Employee Groups.pdf |
Clover Park Technical College |
05/13/2022 |
CPTC Ethical Conduct 051322.pdf |
Columbia Basin College |
05/10/2019 |
CBC Code of Ethics approved 05142019.pdf |
Community Colleges of Spokane |
09/9/2022 |
2.10.06-A General Ethics for Employees and Officers EEB Reivew 8.16.2022.pdf |
Department of Agriculture |
09/9/2022 |
AGR-POLandPRO Outside Employment 090922.pdf |
Department of Agriculture |
05/12/2023 |
POL-HR-212-Meeting Ethical Standards.pdf |
Department of Children, Youth & Families |
01/13/2023 |
DCYF_11.33_Employment of.pdf |
Department of Children, Youth & Families |
01/13/2023 |
DCYF_12.04_Acceptable Use of IT.pdf |
Department of Children, Youth & Families |
09/10/2021 |
Ethics_and_Employee_Conduct_Policy 091021.pdf |
Department of Commerce |
07/13/2018 |
COM Complying with Ethics 071318.pdf |
Department of Corrections |
07/8/2022 |
Ethics.pdf |
Department of Corrections |
07/8/2022 |
Use of State Resources.pdf |
Department of Corrections |
07/8/2022 |
Volunteer Activities.pdf |
Department of Ecology |
07/13/2012 |
Ecology Ethics Policy 071312.pdf |
Department of Enterprise Services |
07/11/2014 |
DES Ethical Conduct.pdf |
Department of Enterprise Services |
11/8/2013 |
DES Travel Reimburse Policy.pdf |
Department of Financial Institutions |
11/8/2019 |
DFI ELEC COMM 110819-01162020030202.pdf |
Department of Health |
11/18/2016 |
DOH Outside Activities.pdf |
Department of Health |
09/9/2022 |
Ethics Policy 090922.pdf |
Department of Labor and Industries |
05/13/2016 |
L&I Conflict of Interest.pdf |
Department of Labor and Industries |
07/10/2020 |
Approved 071020 Final 3.30 Use of State Resources EEB.pdf |
Department of Licensing |
05/11/2018 |
DOL Ethics Soliciting 051118.pdf |
Department of Licensing |
05/11/2018 |
DOL Ethics Requirements 051118.pdf |
Department of Natural Resources |
06/6/2003 |
DNR_Use_of_State_Electronic_Communications_policy.pdf |
Department of Natural Resources |
05/11/2018 |
DNR Use of state resources 051118.pdf |
Department of Retirement Systems |
05/10/2002 |
Retirement Systems Electronic Communications Systems policy 051002.pdf |
Department of Revenue |
11/17/2017 |
DOR Conflict_Ethics-11222017090643.pdf |
Department of Revenue |
05/13/2022 |
Pol415 Fundraising.pdf |
Department of Revenue |
05/13/2022 |
Pol284 Outside Activity.pdf |
Department of Revenue |
05/13/2022 |
Pol214 Political Activity.pdf |
Department of Revenue |
11/17/2017 |
DOR Use of State Resourses-11222017090803.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
07/8/2011 |
DSHS Ethical Conduct07142011.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
09/13/2013 |
DSHS Employment of Relatives or Household Members.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
09/10/2021 |
DSHS-political activity091021.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
07/8/2011 |
DSHS Membership07142011.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
07/8/2011 |
DSHS Employee Relationships07142011.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
09/13/2013 |
DSHS Teleworking.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
09/13/2013 |
DSHS Outside Employment.pdf |
Department of Social and Health Services |
09/13/2013 |
DSHS Electronic Messaging Systems and Internet.pdf |
Department of Transportation |
11/30/2018 |
WSDOT Social Media 11302018.pdf |
Department of Transportation |
09/10/2021 |
WSDOT Employee Wellness Program.pdf |
Department of Transportation |
09/9/2016 |
WSDOT Ethics Policy.pdf |
Department of Transportation |
07/13/2018 |
WSDOT Honoraria-07182018.pdf |
Department of Transportation |
07/10/2020 |
WSDOT Employee Memorials approved 071020.pdf |
Department of Transportation |
09/12/2014 |
WSDOT Eletronic Comm 091214.pdf |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
01/12/2018 |
DVA Raffle Policy 011218-04092018102321.pdf |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
01/12/2018 |
DVA Use Policy 011218-04092018102351.pdf |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
11/17/2017 |
WDVA Standards of Conduct-11222017090953.pdf |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
01/9/2009 |
VA Visitors Policy 011309.pdf |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
01/9/2009 |
VA Media Access Policy 011309.pdf |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
11/17/2017 |
WDVA Use of Facilities-11222017090913.pdf |
Eastern Washington University |
03/8/2019 |
EWU_Appropriate Use_030819.pdf |
Eastern Washington University |
11/17/2017 |
EWU Ethical Standards-11222017090838.pdf |
Employment Security Department |
04/20/2001 |
ESD's Use of Agency Info Tech Systems policy 042001.pdf |
Employment Security Department |
04/20/2001 |
ESD's Fundraising for Charities policy 042001.pdf |
Employment Security Department |
09/13/2002 |
ESD's Employee Conduct policy 091302.pdf |
Governor, Office of the |
07/30/1999 |
Governor's Use of Resources for Campaign Purposes policy 073.pdf |
Governor, Office of the |
05/10/2019 |
GOV Guidance Chart approved 05142019.pdf |
Health Care Authority |
05/10/2024 |
HCA Policy 1-17 - Ethics Use of State Resources.pdf |
Health Care Authority |
05/10/2024 |
HCA Policy 3-02 - Outside Employment.pdf |
Health Care Authority |
05/10/2024 |
HCA Policy 1-03 - Accepting an Honorarium.pdf |
Health Care Authority |
05/10/2024 |
HCA Policy 1-07 - Accepting Gifts.pdf |
Health Care Authority |
05/10/2024 |
HCA Policy 1-16 - Ethics Conflicts of Interest, Post-State Employment, and Obtaining Ethics Advice.pdf |
Higher Education Coordinating Board |
03/9/2007 |
HECB Ethics in the Work Place.pdf |
Historical Society |
05/11/2018 |
WSHS Ethics 051118.pdf |
Horse Racing Commission |
09/14/2012 |
HRC Ethical Conduct Policy 091412.pdf |
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the |
11/18/2016 |
OIC Ethics Policy 111816.pdf |
Liquor and Cannabis Board |
01/13/2023 |
110 Ethical Conduct and Outside Employment Policy.pdf |
Lower Columbia College |
09/15/2020 |
Procedure 700.1A Acceptable Use - 091520.pdf |
Lower Columbia College |
05/10/2024 |
Code of Ethics_Mar 6 2024_Final.pdf |
Military Department |
09/9/2022 |
Ethics.pdf |
Military Department |
03/24/2017 |
MIL Organizational Eff-03302017103120.pdf |
Military Department |
09/9/2011 |
Social Media Policy.pdf |
Military Department |
09/9/2022 |
Use of State Provided IT Hardware and Software Resources.pdf |
Office of Financial Management |
09/13/2024 |
OFM Policy_4.05 Ethics_Revised.pdf |
Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises |
01/13/2006 |
OMWBE_internet_computer_email_011306.pdf |
Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises |
10/12/2007 |
OMWBE-Outside-Employment-Policy-101207.pdf |
Olympic College |
05/15/1998 |
Olympic CC's Email and Internet Use policy 051598.pdf |
Parks and Recreation Commission |
02/10/2006 |
parks_email_021006.pdf |
Parks and Recreation Commission |
02/10/2006 |
parks_internet_connectivity_021006.pdf |
Parks and Recreation Commission |
03/10/2006 |
parks_telephone_service_and_equipment_031006.pdf |
Parks and Recreation Commission |
03/10/2006 |
parks_cell_phones_031006.pdf |
Parks and Recreation Commission |
03/13/2009 |
Parks Housing Policy 031309.pdf |
Pollution Liability Insurance Agency |
09/9/2022 |
PLIA Policy 2A.00 Ethical Conduct_2022.pdf |
Public Disclosure Commission |
01/12/2018 |
PDC Use Policy 012618-01262018083041.pdf |
Renton Technical College |
01/13/2023 |
RTC Ethics Policy.pdf |
Secretary of State, Office of the |
01/12/2004 |
SOS Network Use 011204.pdf |
Secretary of State, Office of the |
01/12/2004 |
SOS Use of Resources 011204.pdf |
Sentencing Guidelines Comm |
09/20/2005 |
SGC Internet.pdf |
Sentencing Guidelines Comm |
09/20/2005 |
Services for the Blind |
01/10/2003 |
Services for the Blind Internet Use policy 011003.pdf |
Shoreline Community College |
02/12/1999 |
Shoreline CC's Ethics policy 021299.pdf |
Small Agency Client Services/Department of Enterprise Services |
01/13/2012 |
Small agency outside employment 011312.pdf |
Small Agency Model Policy |
05/13/2011 |
Small Agency Ethics Policy Model.pdf |
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges |
03/13/2015 |
SBCTC Ethics Policy.pdf |
State Investment Board |
03/11/2022 |
WSIB_UseOfStateResources_Approved_031422.pdf |
Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of the |
01/13/2023 |
Technology Acceptable Use Policy.pdf |
Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of the |
11/13/2020 |
OSPI final Ethic Policy Nov 2020.pdf |
Tacoma Community College |
05/10/2019 |
TCC Ethics approved 05142019.pdf |
Tax Preference Commission |
07/14/2023 |
Commission conflicts of interest Policy.pdf |
Transportation Commission |
11/17/2023 |
FINAL WSTC Ethics Policy 2023.pdf |
University of Washington |
06/10/2005 |
UW_travel_061005.pdf |
University of Washington |
05/14/2004 |
Food Service Policy.pdf |
University of Washington |
02/14/2003 |
UW's Use of Facilities and Equipment policy 021403.pdf |
Utilities and Transportation Commission |
09/17/2010 |
UTC Charitable Policy 091710.pdf |
Walla Walla Community College |
01/10/2014 |
WWCC Ethics Jan 14.pdf |
Walla Walla Community College |
01/10/2014 |
WWCC Neoptism Jan 14 (3).pdf |
Walla Walla Community College |
01/10/2014 |
WWCC Board of Trustees Ethics Jan 14.pdf |
Washington State University |
09/14/2018 |
WSU Staff Ticket Policy 091418.pdf |
Washington State University |
06/10/2005 |
Washington State University |
11/17/2023 |
EP45 Ethics Policy.pdf |
Washington State University |
09/8/2006 |
WSU_promotions_and_sponsorships_090806.pdf |
Washington's Lottery |
05/13/2022 |
EXE.002.POL - Code of Ethics051322.pdf |
Western Washington University |
03/24/2017 |
WWU Using Resources-03302017103235.pdf |
Western Washington University |
04/9/2004 |
WWU-Consulting.pdf |