01-07A |
- Definitions
- Gifts
- Limitations on Gifts
- Use of State Resources
- Does the Ethics in Public Service Act have jurisdiction over gifts to a state agency? No / See Opinion
- Does a state agency violate the Ethics in Public Service Act if it uses funds received, from a person it regulates or a person who contracts, or seeks to contract, with the state agency to off-set agency costs associated with travel expenses? No / See Opinion
- Would a state officer or employee violate the Ethics Act if they indirectly received admission to, and the cost of food and beverages consumed at an event paid by funds received by an agency from a person regulated by that state officer or employee or who contracted with that state officer or employee? Perhaps / See Opinion
96-05 98-01 00-05 00-06 |
RCW 42.52.010(10)
RCW 42.52.140
RCW 42.52.150
RCW 42.52.160(1)
96-06 |
- Gifts
- Agency
- Section 4 employee
- Hosted reception
- Acceptance of food and beverage
- Can officers and employees of a state regulatory agency accept food and beverage from persons when they do not participate in regulatory or contractual matters with those persons? See Opinion
- What is the definition of hosted reception under RCW 42.52.150(4)(e)? See Opinion
- Does the limitation on the acceptance of food and beverage in RCW 42.52.150(4) apply to food and beverage provided by an association which is composed of members who are regulated by the agency or who seek to provide goods or services to the agency? See Opinion
- Can a state officer or employee accept food and beverage which they receive as part of training paid for by the state? See Opinion
RCW 42.52.150
96-08 |
- Definition of state officer and state employee
- Do state officers and employees ever lose their identity or does their status as state officers and employees apply only during normal working hours or when they are performing their state duties at times not considered normal working hours? No / See Opinion
RCW 45.52.010
97-02 |
- Acceptance of food and beverages at government-sponsored events
- Agency; Section 4 employee
- May a state official or employee who participates in regulatory matters accept food and beverage as part of an official trade mission to another country, if some of the cost is paid by the person regulated by the official or employee's agency? Yes / See Opinion
00-06 |
RCW 45.52.010
RCW 42.52.150
97-10 |
- Assisting in transactions
- Does the rule-making process fall within the definition of 'transaction involving the state'? No / See Opinion
RCW 42.52.040
98-05 |
- Transactions involving the State
- If an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) or an Industrial Appeals Judge (IAJ) owns stock in an employer, would their official actions relating to unemployment insurance and worker's compensation be exempted from a 'transaction involving the state' under RCW 42.52.010(21)(b), and could they decide a case without incurring a conflict of interest under RCW 42.52.020 and RCW 42.52.030? See Opinion
RCW 45.52.010
RCW 42.52.020
RCW 42.52.030
98-10 |
- Is an item received as a door prize a 'gift' under RCW 42.52.010(10) if consideration is paid to attend a conference, seminar, trade show, or similar event? No / See Opinion
- If a door prize is not a gift, can a state officer or state employee keep a door prize even if his or her state agency paid consideration for his or her attendance at an official event? Qualified No / See Opinion
- Can state employees enter door prize or other drawings at events attended in their official capacities when consideration does not include the opportunity to compete for a door prize? No / See Opinion
RCW 42.52.010
RCW 42.52.020
RCW 42.52.140
RCW 42.52.150
99-02 |
- Use of state resources
- Nonprofit entities
- Whether state employees may operate a nonprofit corporation within a state agency for the purpose of overseeing fundraising and ensuring compliance with the state's ethics laws? Qualified No / See Opinion
RCW 42.52.010
RCW 42.52.050
RCW 42.52.070
RCW 42.52.140
RCW 42.52.150
RCW 42.52.160
99-03 |
- Outside Compensation
- Collegiate Athletic Coaches
- How does RCW 42.52 restrict outside compensation paid to a university coach? See Opinion
RCW 45.52.010
RCW 42.52.110
RCW 42.52.120
RCW 42.52.130
RCW 42.52.160