Agenda: EEB Meeting 5/12/2017
Executive Ethics Board Meeting Agenda
May 12, 2017
9:00 A.M.
2425 Bristol Court SW ~ 4th Floor Conference Room ~ Olympia
A |
Preliminary Business
Chair Dudek-Ross |
Enforcement Matters Stipulations – Action follows executive/closed session
Executive Director Dismissals
Chad Standifer David Killeen Dan Davis
Kate Reynolds |
C |
Policy Reviews Action: Motion for Approval
Kate Reynolds Ruthann Bryant
D |
Advisory Opinion Review Discussion/Approval Action: Motion for Approval
Kate Reynolds |
E |
Staff Reports
F |
Public Comment/Board Member Comments
G |
Executive/Closed Session Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(2) and (3), the Board shall deliberate in a closed session at ____( insert time) regarding quasi-judicial matters and reconvene on the record at approximately _____ (insert time). Upon reconvening, the public may return and the Board shall take final action on these quasi-judicial matters on the record. The Board may also discuss pending/potential litigation, if necessary. |
Chair Dudek Ross |
H |
Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment |