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Enforcements for Department of Corrections

Case Agency Violation/Result Penalty Amount Laws RCW
2023-026 Department of Corrections

Violation: An Office Assistant 3 with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated they used their state computer to browse the internet including travel, real estate, social media and shopping websites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on March 8, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $5,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,500 RCW 42.52.160
2023-016 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections/Custody Officer with the Department of Corrections agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet, visiting sites including YouTube, sports and news websites, Netflix and online shopping.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 10, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2023-025 and 046 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Industries Supervisor 2 with the Department of Corrections agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they visited sports websites, YouTube and social media websites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 10, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $2,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2023-014 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections Officer 2 with the Department of Corrections was found to have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they utilized their state email account to send over 1,300 emails to their spouse's personal email account.

Result: A Final Order of Default was entered on May 10, 2024, imposing a penalty of $3,000.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2023-027 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections and Custody Officer 2 with the Department of Corrections was found to have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they used state resources for non-work-related activities, specifically by using the internet and their DOC Teams account for personal use.

Result: A Final Order of Default was entered on May 10, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $3,000.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2023-017 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections Officer 2 with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated they visited sports and news websites, Ebay and social media websites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered into on July 12, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2023-037 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former employee with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated they used their state email address to send and receive personal email.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered into on July 12, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $750.

$750 RCW 42.52.160
2023-063 Department of Corrections

Violation: Senior Administrator of Engagement and Outreach with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for non-work-related activities. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet, visiting sites including Zillow and YouTube, and saved several personal documents and photos on their computer.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 13, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $750 with $250 suspended.

$750 RCW 42.52.160
2023-049 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections and Custody Officer 2 with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet visiting numerous news websites, ESPN and YouTube.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on November 8, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $500 with $200 suspended.

$500 RCW 42.52.160
2023-019 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Sergeant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including multiple visits to YouTube, Instagram and CNN over a 5-month period and stored several personal photographs on their state computer.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2023-007 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections Officer 2 at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by conducting activities incompatible with public duties and by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they used their state computer for personal searches including YouTube visits, travel searches, Amazon shopping as well as personal Google searches and real estate websites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 8, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $4,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$4,000 RCW 42.52.160
2023-028 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections Officer at Monroe Corrections Center with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act. Evidence indicated that they conducted a background check on an individual without permission and then emailed the information, including classified documents, to themselves regarding the individual. Additionally, they stored several personal documents on their state computer and browsed the internet for personal benefit.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on November 17, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $4,000 with $1,500 suspended.

$4,000 RCW 42.52.050, RCW 42.52.160
2022-056 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they had several Google searches and YouTube visits over a six-month period.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $750 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-066 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they extensively browsed the internet, visiting sites including YouTube, Amazon, ESPN and social media sites. Evidence also found that they submitted overtime requests on several days that the investigation revealed they were spending time on the internet for personal use.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on March 8, 2024, imposing a civil penalty of $6,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$6,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-057 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including multiple Goggle and YouTube visits, social media and shopping sites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-058 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including several hundred Goggle searches, thousands of YouTube visits and a several hundred Zillow visits over a two-year period.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-059 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including over a thousand Goggle searches and several Amazon, ESPN and other news sites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023 imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-060 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including several hundred Goggle searches, YouTube, Craigslist, ESPN and other news site visits.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,500 with $1,500 suspended.

$5,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-062 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Sergeant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including several Goggle searches, YouTube and social media sites on two different state computers.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-001 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections/Custody Officer 3 with the Department of Corrections was found to have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by failing to submit leave for time taken off work.

Result: A Final Order of Default was entered on January 13, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $2,250.

$2,250 RCW 42.52.160
2022-063 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Sergeant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including hundreds of Goggle searches, YouTube and travel sites on two different state computers.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-012 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correction Unit Supervisor with the Department of Corrections violated RCW 42.52.160 by failing to submit leave for time taken off work and when they were unaccounted for.

Result: A Final Order was issued on April 13, 2023 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-064 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including YouTube, TV streaming services, CNN and food sites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-028 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Captain at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated they used their state computer to search the internet and to access personal social media accounts.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 12, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $500 with $150 suspended.

$500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-065 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including YouTube, Yahoo and social media sites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-030 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Unit Supervisor with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they used their state issue cell phone to store personal photographs, to send and receive personal text messages and used their state issued computer to browse the internet.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 12, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-067 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including multiple visits to news sites, several Google searches and YouTube visits.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-032 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Administrative Assistant 3 at the Coyote Ridge Corrections Center with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated they had approximately 1,491 hours of paid time that was unaccounted for and used their state computer to search the internet, browse Facebook and to conduct searches on Google.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,500.

$5,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-051 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Dental Hygienist 2 at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they used online streaming services and browsed the internet for non-work related purposes.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $750 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.050, RCW 42.52.160
2022-049 Department of Corrections

Violation: a Dental Assistant 2 at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated they used their state computer for online streaming and personal web browsing to include accessing YouTube over 200 times on 20 different workdays.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 8, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $750 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-052 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $500 with $100 suspended.

$500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-050 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Dental Assistant 2 at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they used their state computer for personal Google searches and to stream YouTube.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 8, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $750 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-053 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Sergeant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they used online streaming services and browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-068 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Medical Assistant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they failed to submit leave on four days, accessed YouTube on approximately 37 different workdays and browsed the internet for travel and shopping searches.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on September 8, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $2,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2022-054 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Unit Supervisor at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including shopping sites, social media and online college, conducted an extensive amount of personal Google searches and browsed YouTube

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023 ,imposing a civil penalty of $5,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,500 RCW 42.52.160
2022-055 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Lieutenant at the Washington State Penitentiary with the Department of Corrections, agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for personal benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet for non-work-related purposes including Amazon, social media and news sites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 14, 2023, imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.160
2021-010 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Classification Counselor 2, with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that spent an excessive amount of time using two different browsers to access the internet for private benefit to include Madden Football, Fantasy Football, music and gaming sites.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on November 12,2021 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2021-045 Department of Corrections

Violation: Correctional Industries Supervisor with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by accessing the Offender Management Network Information database to obtain information regarding an ex-offender and sharing that information with an outside party and using state resources for personal benefit and gain.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on March 14, 2022 imposing a civil penalty in the amount of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.050, RCW 42.52.160
2021-026 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Correctional Sergeant at the Monroe Correctional Complex with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit. Evidence indicated that they used his state email for personal use and browsed the internet for an average of just over two hours per shift over a 17-day period.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 13, 2022 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2021-048 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Corrections and Custody Officer with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain and accessing confidential information for non-work related purposes. Evidence indicated that they sent over 30 emails containing well over 500 attachments to their personal email address, many of which contained private information.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 13, 2022 imposing a civil penalty of $6,500.

$6,500 RCW 42.52.050, RCW 42.52.160
2021-055 Department of Corrections

Violation: Former Psychology Associate Health Services at the Larch Corrections Center with the Department of Corrections agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for an outside business.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on July 8, 2022 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2020-067 Department of Corrections

Violation: Corrections Officer 2 with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that over a five-month period they accessed the internet for personal use at least once on 93 different days.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 14, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2020-028 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Community Corrections Officer with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that they spent an excessive amount of time on their work computer doing personal research as they studied for their Law School Admissions Test and other non-work-related activity. A review of their computer revealed over 48 hours on internet activity over an eight-month period.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on January 8, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $3,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$3,500 RCW 42.52.160
2020-033 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections Specialist with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using their position to secure special privileges and using state resources for private benefit or gain. Evidence indicated that they were using state equipment during working hours to do work as an adjunct instructor for Heritage University and spending time browsing the internet for non-work-related reasons.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on January 8, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $500 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
2020-029 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Secretary Senior may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that they spent 128.2 hours on non-work-related internet browsing over a four-month period.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on March 12, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2020-061 Department of Corrections

Violation: a Classification Counselor may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit or gain and accessing confidential information for non-work related purposes. Evidence indicated that the counselor accessed two different databases to look up information on non-offenders.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on March 12, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2020-046 Department of Corrections

Violation: Former Laundry Supervisor at the Coyote Ridge Correctional Center with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by receiving pay for time not worked. Evidence indicated that they failed to submit leave for at least 53 hours during a 12-month review period.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 14, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2020-051 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Psychology Associate with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for her private benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that over a 12-month period they used their state computer for personal use to include 1,524 pages of personal email communications.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 14, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.050, RCW 42.52.160
2019-018 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections & Custody Officer 2 at the Monroe Correctional Complex, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that they had been using their state computer to access various websites for real estate, shopping and animals for personal benefit.

Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on July 10, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $500 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2019-019 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Corrections & Custody Officer 2 at the Monroe Correctional Complex, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that they had been using their state computer to access various websites for real estate, news and sports for their personal benefit.

Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on July 10, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $500 with $100 suspended.

$500 RCW 42.52.160
2019-027 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Administrative Assistant at the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources in support of their outside business. Evidence indicated that they had been using their state computer to send and receive emails related to their outside business and stored business documents on the state server.

Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on July 10, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2019-032 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Psychologist 4 with the Department of Corrections violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they failed to submit leave for time they did not work. Evidence indicated that they were absent from work without submitting leave for approximately 111 hours over a six-month period.

Result: An Order of Default was entered on November 13, 2020 imposing a civil penalty of $3,500.

$3,500 RCW 42.52.160
2018-010 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Supervisor with the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they failed to submit leave for time take off work.

Result: A Stipulation was entered on November 9, 2018 imposing a civil penalty in the amount of $2,500 with $500 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2018-002 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Physician Assistant at the Washington State Penitentiary may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they took time off from work without submitting the proper leave slips.

Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on January 11, 2019 imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $500 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2018-006 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for both personal benefit and for their outside employment.

Result: A Stipulation was entered on May 10, 2019 imposing a civil penalty of $3,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$3,500 RCW 42.52.160
2018-011 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Office Assistant at the Olympic Corrections Center with the Department of Corrections violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by taking time off from work without submitting the proper leave slips.

Result: A final order of Default was entered on September 13, 2019 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2018-061 Department of Corrections

Violation: Registered Nurse at the Washington Correctional Center with the Department of Corrections, may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using their state computer to browse the internet for personal benefit and gain, for storing hundreds of non-work-related images on their state computer and downloading copies of novels on their work computer.

Result: An agreed Stipulation and Order was entered on May 14, 2021 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000 with $500 suspended.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2017-058 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they took time off from work without submitting the proper leave slips, used state resources for their personal benefit and gain and loaned money and gave gifts to some of their subordinates.

Result: An agreed Stipulation was entered on November 9, 2018 imposing a civil penalty of $5,000 with $1,800 suspended.

$5,000 RCW 42.52.020, RCW 42.52.160
2017-012 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections supervisor took time off from work without submitting the proper leave slips and allowed a subordinate to take time off without requiring them to submit leave for their time off. Evidence indicates they received pay for at least 282 hours of time that they were not at work and did not submit the proper leave slips over a 5-month period.

Result: A settlement was approved on September 8, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $6,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$6,000 RCW 42.52.020, RCW 42.52.160
2016-051 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by taking personal time away from work without submitting the proper leave requests. Evidence shows that they received pay for at least 308 hours of time that they were not at work and did not submit the proper leave slips during a 5-month period.

Result: Settlement approved on September 8, 2017 with a civil penalty of $4,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$4,000 RCW 42.52.160
2016-053 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Physician's Assistant with the Department of Corrections used state resources for private benefit and gain by taking time off without submitting the proper leave requests. Evidence indicated that they took 210 hours off from work, was paid for the time and leave was not subtracted from their leave balance. They repaid the Department for all of the hours.

Result: Settlement approved on September 8, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2016-072 Department of Corrections

Violation: A PREA Compliance Manager may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for private benefit and gain when they used a state vehicle for personal use on two separate occasions.

Result: A settlement agreement was approved on September 8, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2015-023 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used their position to influence the placement of their son within a state program.

Result: Settlement approved September 11, 2015 with a civil penalty of $750.

$750 RCW 42.52.070
2015-032 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Chaplin for the Washington Corrections Center for Women may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to browse the internet for personal benefit and gain. Evidence indicated that over the course of 26 days, approximately 800 minutes of internet browsing appeared to be non-work related.

Result: A settlement agreement was approved on March 24, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.160
2015-041 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee at Coyote Ridge Correctional Center may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they provided a special privilege to inmates by allowing them to use their office phone to make personal calls. An investigation revealed that during a 5-month period the total number of calls made for offenders totaled 360.

Result: A settlement agreement was approved on March 24, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $1,500.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
2015-057 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they accepted a gift of Mariner's tickets from an agency contracted vendor.

Result: An agreed settlement was approved on March 24, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $1,500 with $750 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.150
2015-072 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Corrections Specialist with the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they took personal time away from work without submitting the proper leave slips. Evidence indicated that they were paid for 5 days in which they did not work.

Result: An agreed settlement was approved on May 12, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $1,000.

$1,000 RCW 42.52.160
2015-056 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Warehouse Operator Supervisor with the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they accepted a gift from an agency contracted vendor. Evidence indicated that they accepted free tickets to a Mariner's game including space in a suite and free parking for the event.

Result: A Stipulated agreement was approved on July 14, 2017 imposing a civil penalty of $2,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,000 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.150
2014-068 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee of the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources to promote and sell Omnitrition products.

Result: Settlement approved on January 15, 2016 for a civil penalty of $1,500 with $750 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2014-065 Department of Corrections

Violation: A former Department of Corrections employee was found to have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources (agency time, computer and email) during work hours to work on their college coursework and to manage their vacation rental property.

Result: A final order was entered on April 29th, 2016 imposing a civil penalty of $3,000.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2014-036 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee with the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by taking personal time away from work without submitting the proper leave requests

Result: Settlement approved on January 15, 2016 for a civil penalty of $5,500 with $2,250 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2014-035 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee of the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for their personal benefit and conducting activities incompatible with their official duties when they purchased a vehicle from one of their subordinates.

Result: Settlement approved on November 14, 2014 for a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,500 suspended.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.020, RCW 42.52.160
2014-023 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee of the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they transported their spouse, a non-state employee, to work in their assigned state vehicle.

Result: Settlement approved on November 14, 2014 for a civil penalty of $3,000.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
2014-093 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Community Corrections Officer with the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for their personal benefit by visiting non-work-related websites including sites in which they would be compensated for providing product feedback.

Result: An agreed settlement was approved on November 18, 2016 imposing a civil penalty of $2,500 with $1,000 suspended.

$2,500 RCW 42.52.160
2013-007 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee of the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal benefit. Evidence indicated that over a 20-day work period they used the state's computer system for over 30 hours of non-work-related business.

Result: Settlement approved on September 13, 2013 for a civil penalty of $3,000 with $1,000 suspended.

$3,000 RCW 42.52.160
2013-001 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee of the Monroe Correctional Center with the Department of Corrections may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to promote their political campaign for a Monroe City Council position.

Result: Settlement approved on May 10, 2013 for a civil penalty of $1,250 with $500 suspended.

$1,250 RCW 42.52.160, RCW 42.52.180
2012-060 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee with the Department of Corrections was found to have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to send an email from work to members of the Spokane City Council and the West Central Neighborhood Council in support of local business owners.

Result: Settlement approved on January 11, 2013 for a civil penalty of $100 and a Letter of Instruction.

$100 RCW 42.52.160
2011-029 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal gain.

Result: Settlement approved on January 13, 2012 for a Civil penalty of $1,500.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2011-015 Department of Corrections

Violation: An employee with the Department of Corrections was found to have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources to promote and support an outside non-profit organization. They were also found to have engaged in outside employment which involved the use of state resources for their private benefit or gain.

Result: A Final Order was issued on February 25, 2013 for a civil penalty of $17,000 with $3,600 suspended.

$17,000 RCW 42.52.020, RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
2010-061 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal benefit.

Result: Settlement approved on May 13, 2011 for a Civil penalty of $1,500.

$1,500 RCW 42.52.160
2010-062 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used state resources for personal benefit.

Result: Settlement approved on March 11, 2011for a Civil penalty of $500 with $250 suspended.

$500 RCW 42.52.160
2008-126 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Washington State Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they took leave without submitting leave slips.

Result: Settlement approved on September 11, 2009 for a Civil penalty of $500 with $250 suspended.

$500 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
2003-120 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used their state computer, e-mail, and Internet to access non-work-related sites on a daily basis.

Result: Settlement approved on September 10, 2004 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $750 with $250 suspended.

$750 RCW 42.52.160
2002-003 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they used their position to secure special privileges and exemptions by using inmates and facilities to perform work in support of a non-profit entity of which they were the director.

Result: Settlement approved on February 13, 2003 for a Civil penalty in the amount of $500 with $250 suspended and $250 for investigative costs.

$500 RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
2001-025 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections Field Administrator may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they authorized the parking of agency employees' private vehicles in parking spaced leased by the agency for their agency owned vehicles.

Result: Settlement approved on May 9, 2003. Board issued a Letter of Instruction.

Letter of Instruction RCW 42.52.070, RCW 42.52.160
1996-021 Department of Corrections

Violation: A Department of Corrections employee may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act when they inadvertently left a confidential legal document related to an inmate on work desk that was viewed by other inmates.

Result: Settlement approved on April 11, 1997. Board issued a Letter of Instruction.

Letter of Instruction RCW 42.52.020