Complaint Forms
After you’ve reviewed RCW 42.52 and determined that a state employee or officer has violated that Ethics in Public Service Act, you may file a complaint with us. Please complete the entire form before submitting it to us.
If you need assistance in completing this form, have questions, or would like to discuss complaint options, please contact the Ethics Office by phone at 360.664.0871.
Whistleblower protection is provided to a state employee filing an ethics complaint. RCW 42.52.410 states:
(3)(a) A state employee who files a complaint with the appropriate ethics board shall be afforded the protection afforded to a whistleblower under RCW 42.40.050 and 49.60.210(2), subject to the limitations of RCW 42.40.035 and 42.40.910. An agency, manager, or supervisor may not retaliate against a state employee who, after making a reasonable attempt to ascertain the correctness of the information furnished, files a complaint with the appropriate ethics board.
(b) A state employee may not be denied the protections in chapter 42.40 RCW even if the ethics board denies an investigation of the complaint.
(4) If a determination is made that a reprisal or retaliatory action has been taken against the state employee, the retaliator may be subject to a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars.
Further, under RCW 42.52.420(4), the identity of a person filing a complaint under RCW 42.52.410(1) is exempt from public disclosure, as provided in RCW 42.56.240.