Regular Meeting Minutes
9, 2003 at 10:30 A.
2425 Bristol Ct
First Floor Conference Room 148
A. Preliminary Business
Roll Call - The
meeting was called to order at 10:40
a.m. Present were Chair
Jim Vaché, Member Paul Zellinsky, and Member Laquita Fields. Also in attendance: Executive Director,
Malarky; Board Counsel,
Wilkinson; Board Staff,
Jones and
Approval of Agenda -
Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the agenda with an addition
of Board review of a request to pre-approve similar contracts.
Approval of April 11,
2003 Regular Meeting
Minutes - Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the February 14, 2003 minutes with minor
Chair Vaché asked that Board Staff add discussion about providing clear
guidance to others in Board stipulation and orders.
B. Proposed Stipulations and
EEB Case No. 01-14 (VanderSluis) – At the April
11th meeting, the Board tabled their decision in this matter. The Executive Director provided copies
of the agency’s preliminary investigation report in this matter.
Results: After considering the matter in closed session, the Board
accepted the proposed stipulation and order without modification.
EEB Case No. 01-80
(McNair) – The Board’s Investigator,
Jones, briefed the Board members regarding
this matter, which was referred by the State Auditor. The Board staff’s investigation found
that Mr.
McNair used student labor and
college-furnished parts to rebuild motor vehicle parts for personal benefit and
the benefit of others.
Columbia Community
College disciplined Mr. McNair for his conduct and
imposed reimbursements in the amount of five hundred and fifty ($550.00). The proposed stipulation and order
imposes a civil penalty of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) with two
hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) suspended.
Results: After considering the matter in closed session, the Board
accepted the stipulation and order without modification.
EEB Case No. 01-25
(Portin) - The Board’s Investigator,
Jones, briefed the Board members regarding
this matter, which was referred by the State Auditor. The Board staff’s investigation found
that Ms.
Portin authorized Department of Corrections
(DOC) employees’ to park private vehicles in parking spaces leased for
agency-owned vehicles. The proposed
stipulation and order imposes a letter of instruction from the Executive Ethics
Results: After considering the matter in closed session, the Board
accepted the proposed stipulation and order without modification and Chair Vaché
signed the letter of instruction to Ms.
C. Advisory Opinions
Advice Request No. 01-247, Sale of Evaluation Textbooks -
Malarky briefed the Board members regarding a
reoccurring request from stakeholders regarding the re-sale of evaluation
textbooks. After discussion, the
Board asked the Executive Director to circulate a copy of the decision
memorandum to stakeholders and invite comments for the
June meeting.
Advice Request No. 03-019, Modification to the Union Use of
Facilities Opinion –
Malarky presented a draft amendment to
Advisory Opinion 02-01 regarding the use of state resources to support union
activity. The amendment would state
that activity which advocates a certain outcome in a Union election violates the
Ethics in Public Service Act. After
discussion, the members asked that the Executive Director circulate the draft
amended opinion to stakeholders, including agency directors, human resources
managers, and unions, and bring the draft back to the June meeting for final
approval. The Board asked that
stakeholders limit any comments to the effect of existing labor laws or first
amendment free speech guarantees on the opinion.
Burbank with the Washington Federation of
State Employees made several brief comments.
Policy Review (Taken out of order)
Contract Approval Request # 03-3-0310-005, (Riley) - Board staff presented a request for
approval of a group of similar contracts from
Riley at the April 11th
meeting. Board members asked that
the request be tabled pending Board staff’s research for additional
Riley, appearing in person, provided answers
to many questions from the Board members.
Board members decided to table until next meeting for input from absent
member, Marilee
Break 11:55 – Noon
Policy Review Request 03-007, Office of the Attorney General, “Use of
State Resources” - The Board members were uncomfortable approving a policy
with a reference to another agency policy that has not been approved by the
Board. The Board tabled the request
pending official receipt of the Attorney General’s Internet Services Use policy.
Policy Review Request 03-009, Employment Security Department, “Use of
Department Information Technology” – Motion was made and seconded to approve
the policy as written.
D. Executive
or Closed Session (and working lunch)
At 12:22 p.m., the Board moved
into closed and executive session to consider complaints against public
officials and to discuss pending litigation with counsel. The Board, Board Counsel, Board Staff,
and Staff Counsel attended the executive session. The Board then moved into closed session
to deliberate quasi-judicial matters.
The Board and Board counsel attended the closed session.
After reconvening the public session at 1:25 p.m., the Board members took the following
Accepted the proposed stipulation and order in EEB Case 01-14,
Accepted the proposed stipulation and order in EEB Case 01-80, and
Accepted the proposed stipulation and order in EEB Case 01-25 and signed
the appropriate documents.
Staff Report
Proposed Legislation
Update – Mr.
Malarky briefed the Board members regarding
pending legislation. The Board
supports a veto of any permanent changes to gift provisions in chapter 42.52.RCW
as adopted in SB 5996.
Budget update -
Malarky briefed the Board members regarding
the status of the budget. The Board
asked the Executive Director to draft a letter for the Chair’s signature to the
Attorney General requesting that the Board’s funding remain unchanged in Fiscal
Year 2004 and 2005.
Case status update and
review - The Board reviewed a graphic representation of the current case
status, including pending cases.
A. Public
Comment/Board Member Comments
H. Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment
There being no
further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:15