Executive Ethics Board Meeting Agenda

September 9, 2016

9:00 A.M.



2425 Bristol Court SW ~ 4th Floor Conference Room ~ Olympia




Preliminary Business

1.     Roll Call

2.     Approval of Agenda

Action: Motion for Approval

3.     Approval of July 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Action: Motion for Approval


Chair Dudek-Ross




WAC 292-100 Procedural Rules

Kate Reynolds






Enforcement Matters


·       EEB Case No. 2014-083 (Simpson)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-041 (Madill)

Executive Director Dismissals

·       EEB Case No. 2014-090 (Rock)

·       EEB Case No. 2014-091 (Podhora)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-004 (March)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-005 (King)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-006 (Green)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-007 (Odimba)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-008 (Johnson)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-015 (Haigh)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-016 (Swanigan)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-019 (Bryan)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-026 (Oglesbee)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-027 (Townsend)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-034 (Stout)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-007 (Ferguson-Wolf)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-008 (Turner)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-038 (Fontaine)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-039 (Maillicoat)




David Killeen




Kate Reynolds


Policy Reviews

·       Ethical Conduct – Clover Park Technical College

·       Ethics – Department of Health

·       Outside Activities – Department of Health

·       Ethics in Public Service – Department of Transportation

·       Ethical Conduct and Outside Employment – Liquor and Cannabis Board

·       Use of State Resources – Office of Administrative Hearings

·       Political Activity – Pollution Liability Insurance Agency



Kate Reynolds

Ruthann Bryant


Advisory Opinion Review

Final Review

·       00-14 Serving on the Board of a non-state Entity that is Seeking Funds from the State employee’s Parent Agency

·       01-02 Membership in non-state Organizations that are Affected by State Agency Decisions.

·       02-02A Use of State Resources


·       97-05 Employee’s Beneficial Interest in a Spouse’s Contract with their Employing Agency

·       97-14 Outside Employment

·       98-03 Community colleges/Acceptance of Gifts

·       99-03 Outside Compensation/Collegiate Athletic Coaches

·       00-02 Working on Programs Funded by a Grant that Employee Administers

·       00-12 Compensation for Performing Official Duties/tips

·       11-01 Expert Witness/Expert Testimony

·       96-07 Accepting Employment as an Expert Witness

·       99-06 Providing Expert Advice


Kate Reynolds


Staff Reports

1.     Executive Director

2.     AAG Report

3.     Other Staff Reports






Public Comment/Board Member Comments




Executive/Closed Session

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(2) and (3), the Board shall deliberate in a closed session at ____( insert time) regarding quasi-judicial matters and reconvene on the record at approximately _____ (insert time).  Upon reconvening, the public may return and the Board shall take final action on these quasi-judicial matters on the record.

The Board may also discuss pending/potential litigation, if necessary.


Chair Dudek Ross


Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment