Executive Ethics Board Meeting Agenda

September 11, 2009

9:00 A.M.



1110 Capitol Way ~Video Conference Room, 4th Floor ~ Olympia





Preliminary Business

1.    Roll Call

2.    Approval of Agenda

Action: Motion for Approval

3.    Approval of July 10, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Action: Motion for Approval


Chair Gorrell


Enforcement Matters

Review and Approval  of Stipulation

·         EEB Case #2008-027 (Cusack)

·         EEB Case #2008-126 (Jackson)




Sue Jones

Sue Jones



Policy Review

Ethics Policy - Department of Licensing

Melanie deLeon


Discussion Items

·         Financial Interest/Conflict of Interest in contracts

·         What type of links can a state agency provide on its official website

·         What are the ethical implications, if any, if a state employee/officer donates a lunch at an auction?

·         Should the Executive Ethics Board have jurisdiction over the Legislative Youth Advisory Council?

Melanie deLeon


Advisory Opinion Review

97-09, Receipt of Gratuity or Reward – Beneficial Interest in a State Contract

Nancy Lewin


Staff Reports

1.    Executive Director Report

  Review Q & A

·         Use of Resources

·         Gifts

·         Textbooks


2.    AAG Reports


3.    Other Staff Reports



Melanie deLeon






Jerry Anderson

Mickey Newberry


Public Comment/Board Member Comments




Closed Session

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(2) and (3), the Board shall deliberate in a closed session at ____( insert time) regarding quasi-judicial matters and reconvene on the record at approximately _____ (insert time).  Upon reconvening, the public may return and the Board shall take final action on these quasi-judicial matters on the record.

Chair Gorrell


Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment