Executive Ethics Board Meeting Agenda

September 12, 2008

9:00 A.M.



2425 Bristol Ct SW ~ First Floor Conference Room 148 ~ Olympia





Preliminary Business

1.    Roll Call

2.    Approval of Agenda

Action: Motion for Approval

3.    Approval of June 13, 2008 and July 11, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Action: Motion for Approval

Chair Golberg


Enforcement Matters

1.    Review and Approval  of Stipulation  -- EEB Case #03-014 (Evans)

2.    Executive Director Dismissals

·         EEB Case No. 08-106 (Burns)

·         EEB Case No. 08-107 (Huston)

·         EEB Case No. 08-108 (Lackman)

Melanie deLeon


Advisory Opinion Request

Review and possible approval of Advisory Opinion 08-02 -Washington State Department of Transportation – Collective bargaining participants

Melanie deLeon


Rule Making

Discussion and possible approval of draft language:  Amend WAC 292-110-010 Use of state resources

Melanie deLeon


Discussion Items

1.    Can state resources be used to promote or support a commercial business when a portion of the proceeds from the activity are donated by the business to the Combined Fund Drive and are used to offset administrative costs?

2.    Do agencies have the authority to contract with a paid speaker allowing the speaker to bring and sell items (books, CD, etc.) to the audience?

3.    Can an agency provide a list of vendors offering state employee discounts on their intranet?

4.    Can a faculty member require his/her students to purchase a textbook that s/he authored?

5.    Post state employment regarding Motorcycle Safety Program Manager

Melanie deLeon


Review Draft Strategic Plan

Melanie deLeon


Staff Reports

1.    Executive Director Report

·         Budget Update

·         COGEL

·         BAP Scheduling


2.    AAG Reports


3.    Other Staff Reports


Melanie deLeon





Linda Moran

Mickey Newberry


Public Comment/Board Member Comments




Closed Session

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(2) and (3), the Board shall deliberate in a closed session at ____( insert time) regarding quasi-judicial matters and reconvene on the record at approximately _____ (insert time).  Upon reconvening, the public may return and the Board shall take final action on these quasi-judicial matters on the record.

Chair Golberg


Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment