Executive Ethics Board Meeting Agenda

November 18, 2016

9:00 A.M.




2425 Bristol Court SW ~ 4th Floor Conference Room ~ Olympia




Preliminary Business

1.     Roll Call

2.     Approval of Agenda

Action: Motion for Approval

3.     Approval of September 9, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Action: Motion for Approval


Chair Dudek-Ross


Rule-Making – Public Hearing

WAC 292-100 Procedural Rules

Kate Reynolds


Request for Advisory Opinion

Office of the Attorney General

Kate Reynolds


Election of Officers







Enforcement Matters


·       EEB Case No. 2014-093 (Fields)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-009 (Marino)*

·       EEB Case No. 2015-033 (Hundley)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-060 (Mosqueda)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-046 (Ling)

*Newly added

Executive Director Dismissals

·       EEB Case No. 2015-030 (Bird)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-036 (Rowland)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-037 (Mackewich)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-038 (Hanson)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-042 (Knight)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-051 (Somers)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-074 (Thompson)

·       EEB Case No. 2015-075 (Thompson)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-019 (Sharp)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-020 (DeSmet)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-021 (Moen)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-022 (Fleischer)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-023 (White)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-025 (Hawkins)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-026 (Stacey)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-028 (Sinkovic)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-029 (Larson)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-031 (Davis)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-047 (Derain)

·       EEB Case No. 2016-048 (Layman)





Chad Standifer


David Killeen

Dan Davis

David Killeen



Kate Reynolds


Policy Reviews

·       Ethical Conduct – Clover Park Technical College

·       Ethics – Department of Health

·       Outside Activities – Department of Health

·       Use of State Resources – Office of Administrative Hearings

·       Ethics – Office of the Insurance Commissioner

·       Using Electronic Communication Systems – Department of Financial Institutions



Kate Reynolds

Ruthann Bryant


Advisory Opinion Review


·       97-06 Assisting in a Transaction

·       97-07 Employment by a Person Who Contracted with Employee’s Agency

·       97-08 Conflicts of Interest Regarding Post-state Employment

·       98-02 Transaction Involving the State

·       00-01 Stock Options and Post-state Employment

·       00-02 Working on Programs Funded by a Grant the Employee Administers

·       00-07 Post-state Employment

·       00-13 Post-state Employment

·       01-01 Post-state Employment

·       01-06 Application of Post-employment Provisions to Former Department of Ecology Employees who Worked on the Hanford Federal Facility Dangerous Waste Program Permitting Process

·       08-03 Post-state Employment

·       10-04 Former Employee Assisting on State Contract


Kate Reynolds


Staff Reports

1.     Executive Director

2.     AAG Report

3.     Other Staff Reports






Public Comment/Board Member Comments




Executive/Closed Session

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(2) and (3), the Board shall deliberate in a closed session at ____( insert time) regarding quasi-judicial matters and reconvene on the record at approximately _____ (insert time).  Upon reconvening, the public may return and the Board shall take final action on these quasi-judicial matters on the record.

The Board may also discuss pending/potential litigation, if necessary.

Chair Dudek Ross


Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment