Regular Meeting

June 8, 2001 at 10:30 A. M.

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L&I Field Service Location

Large meeting room

12806 Gateway Dr

Tukwila, WA 98168

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1.         Preliminary Business

            a. Roll Call

            b. Approval of Agenda

            c. Approval of May 11, 2001 Meeting Minutes

2.         Welcome Jean Wilkinson!  New Counsel to the Board

3.         Presentation - Proposed Stipulation & Order regarding EEB Case No. 00-04

4.         Presentation - Proposed Stipulation & Order regarding EEB Case No. 00-29

5.         Presentation - Proposed Stipulation & Order regarding EEB Case No. 99-14

6.         Draft Advisory Opinion Request # 01-2-0205-15 (01-04), Issuing Personal Service Contracts to WSSDA Board Members

7.         Draft Advisory Opinion Request # 01-2-0503-98 (01-05), Gifts to State Officers

8.         Policy Review - File # 01-6-0313-61 HCA "Gifts" and "Using State Resources"

9.         Strategic planning briefing by René Ewing, Governor Locke's Office Special Assistant for Management and Quality Improvement


10.       Staff Report

            a.  Case Status Report

            b.  AG Opinion regarding jurisdiction over WA State Redistricting        Commission

            c.  Case Dismissals

            d.  Filed CR101's

            e.  Miscellaneous Correspondence

11.       Scheduling Issues

12.       Public Comment/Board Member Comments

13.       Executive Session

14.       Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment