October 13, 2023

Special Meeting Minutes



A.   Preliminary Business

1.    Roll Call

The special meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board (Board) was called to order by Chair Jutte at 9:00 a.m.  In attendance were Vice Chair Kelli Hooke and Members Shirley Battan and Megan Abel. Board staff in attendance included:  Executive Director Kate Reynolds, Assistant Attorney General Julia Eisentrout, Assistant Attorney General Eric Allen, Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant and Investigator Justin Cotte.


2.    Approval of Agenda


Motion 23-108 Moved by Member Battan, seconded by Vice Chair Hooke:


The Board approved the October 13, 2023 agenda as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


B.   Closed Session

At 9:02 am the Board moved into Closed Session. 

At 9:26 am the Board returned to regular session and reported the following:


Motion 23-109 Moved by Vice Chair Hooke, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board determined that the complaint is unfounded and dismissed EEB Case 2023-005 Brady Horenstein.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 23-110 Moved by Member Battan, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board determined that the complaint is outside the jurisdiction of the Board and dismissed EEB Case 2022-046 Abraham Flaxman.


The motion passed unanimously.


C.   Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment

The Board requested that staff refer EEB Case 2022-046 Abraham Flaxman to the Public Disclosure Commission.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 a.m.


Approved by the Board 11/17/2023