2425 Bristol Court SW– 1st Floor Conference Room 148 – Olympia, WA


September 30, 2008

Special Meeting Minutes



A.   Convene

Roll Call

The special meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board (EEB) was called to order by Chair Judy Golberg at 9:00 a.m.  In attendance were Vice Chair Neil Gorrell and Member Linnaea Jablonski. Via telephone were Chair Golberg and Member Yenson. Board staff in attendance included:  Executive Director Melanie de Leon, Senior Counsel Jerry Anderson and Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant. 


B.   Advisory Opinion Request

Melanie de Leon briefly updated the Board on a request for an advisory opinion from the Parks and Recreation Commission (Parks) that was discussed at the September 12th meeting.  Parks asked the Board for their opinion as to whether a state employee residing in a state-owned residence located on state-owned land could display political campaign signs and stickers in the residential windows facing outward where it is visible to the public. Ms. de Leon also provided background regarding prior Parks housing issues heard by the Board and summarized an annual memo by Deputy Solicitor General James Pharris regarding the use of public funds/facilities on election campaigns.


Kurt Speigel, Senior Field Representative, Washington Federation of State Employees, commented that he is in opposition to any opinion restricting 1st amendment rights. He added that it is a sacrifice by the employee to live in state housing and it would be an infringement of their personal rights.


Vice Chair Gorrell thanked Mr. Speigel for attending the meeting and expressing his opinion.


Motion 08-047 Moved by Vice Chair Gorrell, seconded by Member Yenson:


The Board finds that posting political campaign signs in the yard or window of state-owned residences that were visible to the public would be a violation of RCW 42.52.160, .180 and WAC 292-110-010(6)(c).


Voting For:  Chair Golberg, Vice Chair Gorrell and Member Yenson.


Voting Against: Member Jablonski.


The motion passed.


C.   Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment

Ms. de Leon noted that Senior Assistant Attorney General Linda Moran has passed the role of Board advisor on to Senior Counsel Jerry Anderson. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 a.m.


Approved by the Board 11/14/08