2425 Bristol Court SW– 1st Floor Conference Room 148 – Olympia, WA


September 14, 2007

Regular Meeting Minutes



A.   Preliminary Business

1.    Roll Call

The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board (EEB) was called to order by Chair Evelyn Yenson at 9:00 a.m. In attendance were Vice Chair Judy Golberg and Members Neil Gorrell and Linnaea Jablonski. Board staff in attendance included:  Executive Director Susan Harris, Senior Assistant Attorney General Linda Moran, Assistant Attorney General Michael Tribble, Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant and Investigators Sue Jones and Nancy Lewin. 


Chair Yenson welcomed new Member Linnaea Jablonski and noted that Member Trish Akana resigned from the Board and is now enjoying early retirement. Chair Yenson thanked Ms. Akana for five years of service on the Board and added that her attention to detail will certainly be missed.


2.    Approval of Agenda


Motion 07-051 Moved by Vice Chair Golberg, seconded by Member Gorrell:


The Board approves the September 14, 2007 agenda as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


3.    Approval of July 13, 2007 Meeting Minutes


Motion 07-052 Moved by Vice Chair Golberg, seconded by Member Gorrell:


The Board approves the July 13, 2007 minutes as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.



B.   Enforcement Matters

Oral Argument on Motion for Summary Judgment in the matter of Linda Evans (EEB Case No. 03-014)

Administrative Law Judge Brian Watkins presided over oral argument on a Motion for Summary Judgment in the matter of Linda Evans, EEB Case No. 03-014, to determine whether or not the Board has jurisdiction over a former state employee who allegedly violated the Ethics in Public Service Act while employed by the state.


Judge Watkins introduced Board staff Assistant Attorney General Mike Tribble and Attorney Steven Meeks, representing Ms. Evans. He also briefly discussed the process.


Both sides presented their opinion and Judge Watkins concluded the Oral Arguments at approximately 9:40 a.m.


         Review and Approval of Stipulated Facts, Conclusion and Order

            EEB Case No. 06-029 (Joyce Barnes)


Susan Harris briefed the Board on the proposed stipulation and order. Ms. Barnes agreed that she violated RCW 42.52.160 when she used state resources for non-work related purposes. The parties agreed that Ms. Barnes would pay a $2,500 penalty with $1,000 suspended on the condition that she commits no further violations of 42.52 RCW within two calendar years of the date the order is accepted by the Board. The Board’s deliberation on the proposal was deferred until closed session.


C.   Advisory Opinion

         Susan Harris requested consideration for a formal advisory opinion to determine whether or not it is appropriate for an organization such as Weight Watchers to sell its products at meetings conducted on state premises. She noted that such meetings may be permitted by the agency’s wellness program or policy.


         Ms. Harris reported that King County and Weight Watchers entered into a contract to allow Weight Watchers to come to King County work sites and conduct meetings, including selling products.  The Washington State Health Care Authority has entered into an interlocal agreement with King County that allows Weight Watchers to come to state offices to conduct meetings and sell products under that same contract. The Department of General Administration designed the contract so that it could be used by any state agency.


         Historically the Board has said that a wellness-type activity could be conducted   using state resources if the activity was part of the agency’s wellness program.          However, the Board has never opined on whether that included the selling of products.


         Following discussion, the Board requested further information on similar activities that have been permitted by opinion or other past board advice and directed staff to research what is currently permitted by other agencies.



D.   Approval of Agency Policy

Ms. Harris provided a draft policy submitted by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding Ethics.


Motion 07-052 Moved by Member Gorrell, seconded by Vice Chair Golberg:


The Board approves Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction policy on Ethics as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Harris also provided a draft Ethics policy submitted by the Department of Licensing.


Chair Yenson questioned whether or not specific examples of acceptable use should be included in the policy and whether or not the policy assumes that employees are familiar with the Ethics in Public Service Act.


Motion 07-053 Moved by Vice Chair Golberg, seconded by Member Gorrell:


The Board approves Department of Licensing policy on Ethics as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


E.    Review of Draft Strategic Plan and Agency Work Plan

Susan Harris provided copies of the draft strategic plan and agency work plan and summarized the two documents, noting that quarterly updates will be provided to the Board.



F.  Staff Reports

1.  Executive Director’s Report

Susan Harris reported on the search for the new executive director. She stated that the position announcement has been updated and the recruitment process is anticipated to begin in October.


She also provided draft amendments to Members’ Conduct Policies and Procedures. The Board requested that “Leaving the Board” in Section 5 be changed to “Post Board Obligations.”


Motion 07-054 Moved by Member Gorrell, seconded by Vice Chair Golberg:


The Board approves Board Member’s Polices as amended.


The motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Harris also noted that the COGEL Conference begins in Victoria B.C. on September 16th.  Member Golberg requested that all board members and staff provide a brief report at the next meeting on their experience at the conference.


2.  AAG Report

Senior Assistant Attorney General Linda Moran provided an update on an issue filed with the Thurston County Superior Court.


3.  Other Staff Reports

No other staff reports were given.


G.  Public Comment/Board Member Comments

      Citizen Rob Kavanaugh briefly addressed the Board regarding his request for review of a complaint that was dismissed by the Executive Director.


H.  Executive or Closed Session

      At 10:50 a.m. the Board moved into Closed Session to discuss potential litigation, deliberate and to receive and evaluate complaints against state employees and officers.  The Board returned to regular session at 11:47 a.m.


I.   Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment

      There being no miscellaneous matters, the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m.


Approved by the Board 10/12/07