September 13, 2024

Regular Meeting Minutes


A.   Preliminary Business

1.    Roll Call

The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board (Board) was called to order by Chair Jutte at 9:00 a.m.  In attendance were Vice Chair Kelli Hooke and Members Megan Abel, Cam Comfort and David Hankins. Board staff in attendance included:  Executive Director Kate Reynolds, Senior Counsel Matt Kernutt, Assistant Attorney General Julia Eisentrout, Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant, and Senior Digital Forensic Investigator Justin Cotte.


            Approval of Agenda


Motion 24-047 Moved by Member Comfort, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board approved the September 13, 2024, agenda as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


2.    Approval of the July 12, 2024, Meeting Minutes


Motion 24-048 Moved by Chair Jutte, seconded by Member Hankins:


The Board approved the July 12, 2024, minutes as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


B.   Election of Officers


Motion 24-049 Moved by Chair Jutte, seconded by Member Abel: 


The Board elects Kelli Hooke as Chair effective October 1, 2024.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-050 Moved by Member Comfort, seconded by Member Hankins: 


The Board elects Megan Abel as Vice Chair effective October 1, 2024.


The motion passed unanimously.


C.   Enforcement Matters


EEB Case 2023-062 (Perkinson)

Senior Digital Forensic Investigator Justin Cotte briefed the Board on a proposed Stipulation and Order in the matter of Paige Perkinson, Senior Administrator of Engagement and Outreach with the Department of Corrections. Paige Perkinson agreed that they may have violated the Ethics in Public Service Act by using state resources for non-work-related activities.  Evidence indicated that they browsed the internet, visiting sites including Zillow and YouTube, and saved several personal documents and photos on their computer. The order imposes a civil penalty of $750 with $250 suspended.


Executive Director Dismissal


Kate Reynolds summarized an Executive Director Dismissal in EEB Case 2023-068 (Hevly).


The Board deferred action on the enforcement matters until after their closed session.


D.   Policy Reviews

Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant presented the Office of Financial Management’s Ethics policy. They noted the policy was approved in January of 2023 and the Office of Financial Management made several housekeeping updates requiring review by the Board. Staff recommended approval.


Board member Hankins requested some edits to the policy including adding a hyperlink to the RCW and updating a subsection of the WAC.


Motion 24-051 Moved by Chair Jutte, seconded by Member Comfort:


The Board approved the Office of Financial Management’s Ethics policy, as amended.


The motion passed unanimously.


E.   Discussion on use of state resources for certifications

Executive Director Kate Reynolds reported on a request from the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) regarding the University of Washington’s Evans School certificate program. Kate Reynolds noted that DCYF would allow state resources to be used for this certification to include state time, car, credit card, and overtime and without adding to the workload of the participants.


Kate Reynolds noted that DCYF has a social worker licensure program that allows already licensed social workers to obtain the next level of licensing. DCYF views the activities as part of their official duties however this use is not currently included in their Performance Development Plan and no policy allowing such use under training and development has been approved by the Board.


Kate Reynolds also provided background on the types of permitted use of state resources for training and education including summaries of previous cases on similar issues.


Motion 24-052 Moved by Member Comfort, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board requested more information and directed staff to draft an Advisory Opinion.


The motion passed unanimously.

F.    Staff Reports

Kate Reynolds reported that the Legislative Ethics Board is working on changes to a few sections of the Ethics in Public Service Act and noted that they will be monitoring the changes and providing input.

G.   Public Comment/Board Member Comment

No public or Board Member comments were given.

H.   Closed Session

At 9:45 am the Board moved into Closed Session. 

At 10:45 am the Board returned to regular session and reported the following:


Motion 24-053 Moved by Member Hooke, seconded by Member Hankins:


The Board approved the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions of Law and Agreed Order in EEB Case 2023-062 Paige Perkinson, imposing a civil penalty of $750 with $250 suspended.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-054 Moved by Chair Jutte, seconded by Member Comfort:


The Board determined the complaint is unfounded and dismissed EEB Case 2023-056 Joshua Mercado.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-055 Moved by Member Comfort, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board determined the complaint is unfounded and dismissed EEB Case 2023-059 Jason Lewis


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-056 Moved by Member Abel, seconded by Member Hankins:


The Board found Reasonable Cause of $500 or less in EEB Case 2023-061 Oscar Ochoa.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-057 Moved by Member Hankins, seconded by Member Comfort:


The Board found Reasonable Cause of $500 or less in EEB Case 2023-064 Zachary Estep.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-058 Moved by Vice Chair Hooke, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board found Reasonable Cause of $500 or less in EEB Case 2023-066 David Plassman.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-059 Moved by Member Abel, seconded by Vice Chair Hooke:


The Board found Reasonable Cause over $500 in EEB Case 2023-067 Leeza Lamb.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-060 Moved by Member Comfort, seconded by Chair Jutte:


The Board found Reasonable Cause over $500 in EEB Case 2023-069 Eli Vinje.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 24-061 Moved by Member Hankins, seconded by Vice Chair Hooke:


The Board found Reasonable Cause over $500 in EEB Case 2023-070 Jacob Rainey.


Voting For:  Chair Jutte, Vice Chair Hooke and Members Comfort and Hankins.

Not Voting:  Members Abel.


The motion passed.


Motion 24-062 Moved by Member Comfort, seconded by Member Abel:


The Board found Reasonable Cause over $500 in EEB Case 2023-072 Christopher Miller.


The motion passed unanimously.


I.     Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment

There were no miscellaneous matters and the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


Approved by the Board 11/8/2024