1110 Capitol Way S– 4th
Floor Video Conference Room – Olympia, WA
September 11, 2009
Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Preliminary Business
1. Roll Call
The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board
(EEB) was called to order by Chair Neil Gorrell at 9:00 a.m. In attendance were Vice Chair Linnaea
Jablonski and Members Golberg and Connelly.
Board staff in attendance included:
Executive Director Melanie de Leon, Administrative Officer Ruthann
Bryant and Investigators Nancy Lewin and Sue Jones.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion 09-035 Moved by Member Connelly,
seconded by Vice Chair Jablonski:
The Board approves the September
11, 2009 agenda as presented.
The motion passed unanimously.
3. Approval of the July 10, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Motion 09-036 Moved by Member Golberg,
seconded by Vice Chair Jablonski:
The Board approves the July 10, 2009 minutes as presented.
Voting for: Chair Gorrell,
Vice Chair Jablonski and Member Golberg.
Abstaining: Member Connelly.
B. Enforcement Matters
Approval of Stipulated
Facts, Conclusion and Order
EEB Case No. 2008-027 (Cusack)
Sue Jones briefed the Board on the proposed stipulation and order.
Ms. Cusack agreed that she violated RCW 42.52.080, when she accepted a job with
a private contractor. She added that the stipulation proposes a penalty of $500.
EEB Case No. 08-126 (Jackson)
Ms. Jones also briefed the Board on the proposed stipulation and
order. Ms. Jackson agreed that she violated RCW 42.52.070 and .160, when she took
leave without submitting leave slips. The stipulation proposes a penalty of $500
with $250 suspended.
The Board deferred action until after closed session.
C. Policy Review
de Leon summarized a draft Ethics policy submitted by the Department of Licensing.
She noted that the policy is within the intent and spirit of the law.
Motion 09-037 Moved by Member Connelly,
seconded by Vice Chair Jablonski:
The Board approves the
Department of Licensing Ethics policy as presented.
The motion passed unanimously.
D. Discussion Items
Ms. de Leon briefly summarized a draft interpretation regarding whether
a conflict of interest exists when a state employee/officer is the direct
supervisor over the person who selects and administers a contract in which the
state employee/office has a financial interest.
Board concurred that a state employee could have a beneficial interest in a
contract with the state as long as that state employee did not participate in
the selection of or supervise the contract itself (the transaction), but had
someone else supervise the contract. The
Board also noted that a state employee with a beneficial interest in a contract
with the state must disclose this interest in depth and erect screens that
would remove them from any supervision of the transaction or any way to
influence the transaction between the contractor and the state.
Ms. de Leon discussed the question of what type of links may a
state agency provide on its official website. The Board agreed that links to governmental
entities and contractors with the agency were allowed, however, further
research is necessary regarding outside entities and non-profits. Melanie will discuss the issue with the
Ethics Advisor Group and the matter will be addressed at the November 13th
Board meeting.
Ms. de Leon also discussed the question of whether or not there
are ethical implications when a state employee or official “donates” a lunch or
other type of meal with them or time with them to an outside organization to be
auctioned off to raise money for that outside organization.
Board concurred that the employee or official must pay for the lunch
themselves, not with agency funds. They
added that job shadowing was permissible.
Ms. de Leon reported on a question from Mike O’Connell of the
Legislative Ethics Board regarding jurisdiction over the Legislative Youth
Advisory Council. She briefly provided
background on the council noting that it is administered by the Office of the
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Board concurred that Legislative Youth Advisory Council is under their
E. Advisory Opinion Review
Lewin discussed Advisory Opinion 97-09, Receipt of Gratuity or reward –
Beneficial Interest in a State Contract. Ms. Lewin recommended that the Board
repeal the Opinion since it is a very narrow interpretation, contains incorrect
cites and sections are covered under the Gift statute. The Board concurred.
F. Staff Reports
1. Executive Director’s Report
Melanie de Leon presented three question and answer guidelines:
Guidance regarding Use of State Resources, Guidance on Gifts and Guidance on
textbooks, which provide quick reference for interested parties for
review. The Board appreciated the
proactive approach and found the Q & A’s very beneficial.
She also briefly discussed the agency budget and noted that Board
meetings are now being held every other month with the next one in November.
2. AAG Report
No AAG reports were given.
3. Other Staff Reports
No staff reports were given.
G. Public Comment/Board Member Comment
Steffen with the Department of Transportation asked the Board to confirm that
the Microsoft Home Use Program was not affected by the new Guidance for Use of
State Resources. Ms. de Leon noted that
the program is separate from the issues contained in the guidance.
Gerard with the Department of Personnel commented that the guidance sheets will
be very good resources.
Board recognized Judy Golberg and thanked her for her service over the last
five years. Both the Board and staff added that Ms. Golberg has been a great
resource, a pleasure to work with and she will be missed.
H. Closed Session
10:05 a.m. Chair Gorrell noted there were no executive session items and the
Board moved into Closed Session to deliberate on quasi-judicial matters.
At 10:15 a.m. the Board
returned to regular session and reported the following:
Motion 09-038 Moved by Member Connelly,
seconded by Vice Chair Jablonski:
The Board approves the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions and Order in EBB
Case #2008-027, Laura Cusack and reduces the penalty to $250.
The motion passed
Motion 09-039 Moved by Member Connelly,
seconded by Member Golberg:
The Board approves the Stipulated Facts, conclusions and Order in EEB
Case #08-126, Melissa Jackson, as presented.
The motion passed
Motion 09-040 Moved by Member Connelly,
seconded by Member Golberg:
The Board issues an Order of Default in EEB Case #06-049, Michele
Johnson Beckstrom.
The motion passed
I. Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment
being no miscellaneous matters, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
Approved by the Board 11/13/09