2425 Bristol Court SW– 4th
Floor Conference Room – Olympia, WA
July 17, 2015
Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Preliminary Business
1. Roll Call
The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board
(Board) was called to order by Member Lisa Marsh at 9:00 a.m. In attendance were Vice Chair Samantha
Simmons and Member Sumeer Singla.
Chair Anna Dudek Ross was absent. Board staff in attendance included: Executive Director Kate Reynolds, Assistant
Attorney General Bruce Turcott, Assistant Attorney General Chad Standifer and
Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant.
2. Approval of Agenda
Kate Reynolds noted that the agenda was revised to add a
stipulation. She also noted that the Department of Commerce has withdrawn their
request for an advisory opinion.
Motion 15-016
Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Vice
Chair Simmons:
The Board approves the July
17, 2015 agenda as amended.
The motion passed unanimously.
3. Approval of the May 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Motion 15-017 Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Vice Chair Simmons:
The Board approves the May 8, 2015 minutes as presented.
The motion passed
B. Rule-Making Public Hearing
Kate Reynolds presided over the public hearing and presented
proposed rule amendments to WAC 292-110-010 Use of state resources. She
reported that the changes are intended to review the permitted uses of state
resources as well as update and clarify the rule.
Ms. Reynolds stated that written comments received by the Board
would be reviewed and considered by the rule subcommittee.
No one signed up to testify.
Motion 15-018 Moved by Member Marsh,
seconded by Member Singla:
The Board directs staff to
review comments with the subcommittee and to bring any significant changes for
further review by the Board.
The motion passed unanimously.
C. Enforcement Matters
Case No. 2013-037 (Johnson)
Reynolds briefed the Board on a proposed stipulation and order in the matter of
Loueta Johnson. Ms. Johnson agreed that she may have
violated RCW 42.52.020, .070 and .160 by using GEAR UP grant money for her
private benefit and gain when she claimed and was reimbursed for travel not
related to the program. The Stipulation
imposes a penalty of $2,500.
Case No. 2014-043 (Stevens), EEB Case No. 2014-044 (MacDonald-Davis) and EEB
Case No. 2014-045 (Matthews)
Reynolds also briefed the Board on proposed Stipulations and Orders in the
matters of Greg Stevens, Frances MacDonald-Davis and Melody Matthews. Mr. Stevens along with Ms. MacDonald-Davis
and Ms. Matthews agreed that they may have violated RCW 42.52.020 and .070 when
they hired family members to fill part-time hourly positions within the HR
Department. The stipulations impose the following penalties: EEB Case No. 2014-043 (Stevens) $2,500 with
$1,250 suspended, EEB Case No. 2014-044 (MacDonald-Davis) $2,000 with $1,000
suspended and EEB Case No. 2014-045 (Matthews) $2,000 with $1,000 suspended.
Case No. 2015-023 (Goodenough)
Reynolds briefed the Board on a proposed stipulation and order in the matter of
Randall “Keith” Goodenough. Mr.Goodenough agreed that he may have violated RCW
42.52.070 when he used his position with the Department of Corrections to
influence the placement of his son within a state program administered by the
Department of Social and Health Services, Children Administration. The stipulation imposes a penalty of $1,500
with $750 suspended.
Board had some questions for the investigator and requested that consideration
of Mr. Goodenough’s stipulation and order be held over until the September
Executive Director Dismissals
EEB Case No. 2014-061
(Carroll), EEB Case No. 2014-062 (Bennet), EEB Case No. 2014-063 (Burt) and EEB
Case No. 2014-092 (McAllister)
Kate Reynolds summarized four Executive Director Dismissals.
The Board deferred action on the enforcement matters until after
their closed session.
D. Policy Reviews
Bryant reported on an Affinity Group policy submitted by the Office of the
Attorney General (AGO). The policy allows employees to create and lead groups
and requires approval through the AGO Operations Committee.
Attorney General Erika Uhl was present and provided comment to the Board in
support of the policy.
Motion 15-019 Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Vice Chair Simmons:
The Board approves the Office
of the Attorney General’s Affinity Group policy.
The motion passed unanimously.
Reynolds reported on a Wellness policy submitted by the Military Department and
expressed concern that the policy goes beyond de minimis use of state resources
by allowing state employees to use 30 minutes a day, up to two hours a week, of
paid time for physical exercise/exertion activities.
General Daugherty was present and shared the concerns of his employees and the
differences between Federal and State laws related to permitted
Attorney General Bruce Turcott noted that under RCW 41.04.362 Employee wellness
program (3)“no wellness programs or
activity that involves or requires organized or physical exercise may be
implemented or conducted during normal working hours.”
Marsh commented that the policy as written goes too far in allowing private
gain under the law and any change would need to be at a higher level than the
Executive Ethics Board. She suggested
that he and staff work together to continue working on options that may be
Motion 15-020 Moved by Member Marsh,
seconded by Member Singla:
The Board does not approve
the Military Department’s Wellness policy as presented.
The motion passed unanimously.
E. Board Member Policies
Reynolds provided the Board with a final version of Board Member Policies
incorporating changes made at the Board Retreat in May.
Motion 15-021 Moved by Member Marsh,
seconded by Member Singla:
The Board approves the
Board Member Policies as written.
The motion passed unanimously.
F. Staff Reports
Reynolds discussed a meeting she and Lisa Marsh had with representatives of
Results Washington who are considering adding an Ethics Measurement.
Marsh commented that it is important to improve communications with agency
staff and to enhance visibility of Ethics Advisors within agencies.
G. Public Comment/Board Member Comment
Hendrickson with the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals requested that, when
passed, the Board delay the effective date of the use of state resources rule
to allow agencies time to prepare their organizational effectiveness polices.
Marsh also discussed with Ethics Advisors present, their thoughts on moving the
Ethics survey until spring to avoid overlapping with the state employee survey
done each year. She received favorable
feedback from the audience.
H. Executive/Closed Session
10:10 a.m. the Board moved into Executive Session, immediately followed by Closed
Session to deliberate on quasi-judicial matters.
At 11:05 a.m. the Board returned to regular session and reported
the following:
Motion 15-022 Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Vice Chair Simmons:
The Board approves the
Stipulated Facts, Conclusions of Law and Agreed Orders in EEB Case 2014-043,
Greg Stevens, EEB Case No. 2014-044, Frances MacDonald-Davis and EEB Case No.
2014-045 Melody Matthews as presented.
The Board takes no action
on the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions of Law and Agreed Orders in EEB Case
2013-037 Loueta Johnson and EEB Case 2015-023 Randall
“Keith” Goodenough.
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion 15-023 Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Vice Chair Simmons:
The Board finds Reasonable
Cause in EEB Case No. 2014-036 Jacqueline Fluaitt and
EEB Case No. 2014-068 Patricia Barrera.
The motion passed unanimously.
Motion 15-024 Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Vice Chair Simmons:
The Board affirms the
Executive Director Dismissal in EEB Case No. 2014-027 Deanna Desanto.
Voting For: Vice Chair Simmons and Member Singla.
Voting Against: Member
The motion passed.
Motion 15-025 Moved by Member Singla, seconded by Member Marsh:
The Board issues a Final
Order in EEB Case No. 2014-056 Mary Lee Root.
The motion passed unanimously.
I. Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment
being no miscellaneous matters, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Approved by the Board 9/11/15