Lacey Community Center – Woodland Creek Community Park – 6729 Pacific Ave SE – Lacey
July 14, 2006
Board Retreat
Roll Call
The retreat of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board (EEB)
was called to order by Chair Trish Akana at 9:04 a.m.
Also present was Vice Chair Evelyn Yenson and Members Paul Zellinsky, Judy Golberg and Neil Gorrell. Board staff in attendance
included: Executive Director Susan Harris, Senior Assistant Attorney General Nancy Krier, Assistant Attorney General Mike Tribble, Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant and Investigators Nancy Lewin and Sue Jones.
Discussion of Meetings and Hearings
Susan Harris discussed board meeting procedures, how
meetings are conducted and the roles of members and staff. Nancy Krier further discussed issues that face small
staff regarding hearings and their role in the process. The Board requested staff research similar
boards and how they conduct hearings and the matter will be discussed at a
future meeting.
Ms. Krier also summarized the role of an
Administrative Law Judge, when to have the chair preside over a hearing and the
process of deliberation and drafting of the final order.
Review and Update of 2005/2006 Strategic
The Board members
and staff devoted two and a half hours to revising the agency’s strategic plan.
The planning session focused on progress over the prior year and modifying the
goals, objectives, opportunities and challenges.
Review of Enforcement Practices
Board members and
staff also reviewed and discussed prioritization of cases, Reports of
Investigation and Exhibits as well as procedures for arranging penalty payment
Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment
Legislative Proposals
Susan Harris discussed proposed legislation
introduced during the 2006 Legislative Session. The Board again expressed the
desire to be permitted to lobby the legislature and the executive branch of
The Board also discussed potential legislation allowing members to
serve on the board for a second term. Ms. Harris noted that this request would be
submitted jointly with the Legislative Ethics Board.
Motion 07-013 Moved by Member Zellinsky, seconded by
Member Gorrell:
The Board approves request legislation to
allow members to serve two five-year terms.
Voting For: Akana, Yenson, Zellinsky and Gorrell.
Voting Against: Golberg
The motion passed.
Motion 07-014 Moved by Member Gorrell, seconded by
Member Zellinsky:
The Board approves request legislation to
allow members to lobby the legislature and executive branch of government.
The motion passed unanimously.
2. Rule amendments and review
Susan Harris and Nancy Krier discussed reviewing all agency rules for
consistency and clarity. New rule-making will also begin regarding the Communications
Bill which passed during the 2006 Legislative Session.
State Auditor agreement
Assistant Attorney General Michael Tribble briefly discussed progress with the
State Auditor’s office to streamline the process regarding whistleblower
investigations that are referred to the EEB for possible action.
There being no
additional items for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Approved by the Board 09/8/06