2425 Bristol Court SW– 4th Floor Conference Room – Olympia, WA

July 11, 2014

Regular Meeting Minutes



A.    Preliminary Business

1.     Roll Call

The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board (Board) was called to order by Chair Lisa Marsh at 9:00 a.m.  In attendance were Members Matthew Williams and Samantha Simmons. Vice Chair Anna Dudek Ross and Member Sumeer Singla were present via telephone. Board staff in attendance included:  Acting Executive Director Kathryn Wyatt, Assistant Attorney General Bruce Turcott, Assistant Attorney General Chad Standifer, Investigator David Killeen and Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant.


2.     Approval of Agenda

Ruthann Bryant noted that the agenda was revised to add two additional Stipulated Facts, Conclusions and Orders and an additional policy review.


Motion 14-032 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:


The Board approves the July 11, 2014 agenda, as amended.


The motion passed unanimously.


3.     Approval of the May 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes


Motion 14-033 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:  


The Board approves the May 9, 2014 minutes as presented.


Voting For:  Chair Marsh, Member Williams and Member Simmons.

Not Voting:  Member Singla.


The motion passed.






B.    Enforcement Matters


EEB Case 2012-051(Young)

Chad Standifer briefed the Board on a proposed stipulation and order in the matter of Artee Young. Ms. Young agreed that she may have violated RCW 42.52.020 and .070 when she requested the need for an adjunct professor and recommended that the College hire her friend to fill a position she created. In addition, Ms. Young lived with the same friend and incurred a financial obligation with her when she borrowed a large sum of money.  The stipulation proposes a penalty of $3,500 with $1,500 suspended.

EEB Case No. 2014-075 (Heide)

Mr. Standifer also briefed the Board on a proposed stipulation and order in the matter of Michelle Heide. Ms. Heide agreed that she may have violated RCW 42.52.020, .030 and .070 when she sold Scentsy Candle products to clients under her control and used her position to sign and approve payment for the candles, personally benefitting from the sales. The stipulation proposes a penalty of $2,000.

EEB Case No. 2013-024 (Chaney)

Mr. Standifer briefed the Board on the proposed stipulation and order in the matter of Jessica Chaney. Ms. Chaney agreed that she may have violated RCW 42.52.160, when she used state resources for her personal benefit by submitting false mileage reimbursement claims and taking time off from work without submitting the proper leave requests. The stipulation proposes a penalty of $1,500 with an additional $1,170 in restitution to the Department of Social and Health Services.

EEB Case No. 2014-008 (Ramirez)

David Killeen briefed the Board on the proposed stipulation and order in the matter of Amanda Ramirez.  Ms. Ramirez agreed that she may have violated RCW 42.52.020 when she failed to notify her supervisor that her sister-in-law had applied for a position within her department. The stipulation proposes a Letter of Instruction, including a requirement that she complete the online Ethics Challenge.

The Board deferred action on all stipulations until after their Closed session.

Executive Director Dismissal

EEB Case No. 2014-020 (Stewart)

David Killeen summarized one Executive Director Dismissal.


C.    Policy Reviews

Ruthann Bryant reported an Ethical Conduct Policy submitted by the Department of Enterprise Services (DES). She noted that the policy was presented to the Board at their March meeting and recommended Board approval.


Chair Marsh clarified that her concern regarding Item P under Outside Employment had been addressed.


Motion 14-034 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:  


The Board approves Department of Enterprise Services’ Ethical Conduct Policy as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


Ruthann Bryant also reported on seven policies submitted by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. She noted that although the policies are brief, they capture the laws and rules of the Board and recommended approval.


Motion 14-035 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons: 


The Board approves the following Department of Fish and Wildlife policies as presented:

·       Conflict of Interest/Ethics

·       Gifts

·       Confidential Information

·       Use of State Resources

·       Compensation for Outside Activities

·       Honoraria

·       Post-State Employment


The motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Bryant also reported on a revised Use of State Resources policy submitted by the Department of Corrections. She reported that the policy had been approved by the Board last September and the Department has only added language consistent with the new law that recently took effect regarding de minimis use of state facilities to organizations administering medical care, life/health insurance, or retirement account programs as part of an authorized payroll deduction.


Motion 14-036 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons: 


The Board approves the Department of Corrections’ Use of State Resources as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.



D.    Staff Reports

1.  Acting Executive Director’s Report

Kathryn Wyatt briefly summarized her background with the Office of the Attorney General.


2.  AAG Report

No AAG report was given.


3.  Other Staff Reports


Ruthann Bryant provided an update on the recruitment process for a permanent Executive Director.


E.    Public Comment/Board Member Comment

No public or Board member comments were given.

F.    Executive/Closed Session

At 9:17 a.m. the Board moved into Executive Session, immediately followed by Closed Session to deliberate on quasi-judicial matters. 

At 9:50 a.m. the Board returned to regular session and reported the following:


Motion 14-037 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:


The Board accepts the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions and Order in EEB Case 2012-051, Artee Young, as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 14-038 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:


The Board accepts the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions and Order in EEB Case 2014-074, Michelle Heide, as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 14-039 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:


The Board accepts the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions and Order in EEB Case 2013-024, Jessica Chaney, as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 14-040 Moved by Member Williams, seconded by Member Simmons:


The Board accepts the Stipulated Facts, Conclusions and Order in EEB Case 2014-008, Amanda Rameriz, as presented.


The motion passed unanimously.


Motion 14-041 Moved by Chair Marsh, seconded by Member Williams:


The Board finds Reasonable Cause in the following matters:


·       EEB Case No. 2014-004 Tim Baker

·       EEB Case No. 2014-005 David Graves

·       EEB Case No. 2014-006 Dan Standish

·       EEB Case No. 2014-014 Peter Ross


The motion passed unanimously.



G.   Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment

There being no miscellaneous matters, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53 a.m.


Approved by the Board 9/12/14