1110 Capitol Way S– 4th
Floor Video Conference Room – Olympia, WA
July 10, 2009
Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Preliminary Business
1. Roll Call
The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board
(EEB) was called to order by Chair Neil Gorrell at 9:00 a.m. In attendance were Vice Chair Linnaea
Jablonski and Members Golberg and Biegelman.
Board staff in attendance included:
Executive Director Melanie de Leon, Senior Counsel Jerry Anderson,
Administrative Officer Ruthann Bryant and Investigator Nancy Lewin.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion 09-031 Moved by Member Biegelman,
seconded by Vice Chair Jablonski:
The Board approves the July
10, 2009 agenda as presented.
The motion passed unanimously.
3. Approval of the June 12, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Motion 09-032 Moved by Vice Chair
Jablonski, seconded by Member Biegelman:
The Board approves the June 12, 2009 minutes as presented.
Voting for: Chair Gorrell,
Vice Chair Jablonski and Member Biegelman.
Abstaining: Member Golberg.
B. Rule Making – Public Hearing
de Leon presented the final amendments to WAC 292-110-010 Use of State
Resources. She noted one addition,
adding the word “personal” between “limited” and “use” under section (2)(d) for
clarification. The Board concurred.
also summarized written comments provided by Joseph Molenda from the Department
of Labor and Industries and Mr. Brian Jensen.
Steffen, Ethics Advisor for the Department of Transportation, requested that (5)(b) be amended to add “soliciting for” in front of “a non
profit organization.” The Board
concurred with the amendment.
Board approves the minor amendments to WAC 292-110-010 Use of State Resources.
Staff will file the CR-103 with the Code Reviser’s Office and the rule will
become effective 31 days after filing.
C. Advisory Opinion Review
Board once again discussed whether it had jurisdiction over gifts to an agency
when a state employee or state official directly or indirectly benefitted from
the gift. At their June meeting, the
Board requested the staff incorporate legal analyses provided by Senior AAG
Jerry Anderson into the opinion for their consideration. Nancy Lewin briefly
summarized the revised opinion and noted that if approved, the opinion will be
put into a new format and reissued.
Board approved Advisory Opinion 01-07 Guidance to State Agencies Regarding Gift
Restrictions When Donation of non-state Funds are Intended
to off-set Agency Costs, as presented.
D. Enforcement Matters
Executive Director Dismissals
– EEB Case #08-139 (Bergeson), EEB Case #09-001 (Zimmerman) and EEB Case #09-002
Melanie de Leon briefly summarized three Executive
Director dismissals.
E. Staff Reports
1. Executive Director’s Report
Melanie de Leon briefly discussed the question of state employees
searching for jobs on state time. She
noted that she will be working with the Department of Personnel to address the
2. AAG Report
No AAG reports were given.
3. Other Staff Reports
No staff reports were given.
F. Public Comment/Board Member Comment
Steffen with the Department of Transportation asked the Board to confirm that
the amendment to Advisory Opinion 01-07 Guidance to State Agencies Regarding
Gift Restrictions When Donations of Non-state Funds are Intended
to Off-set Agency Costs only applies to travel costs. The Board concurred.
Jensen requested clarification on conflict of interest issues when a spouse of
a state employee contracts with an entity that is managed by that state
employee. The Board directed staff to
research the issue for discussion at the September meeting.
G. Closed Session
9:45 a.m. Chair Gorrell noted there were no executive session items and the
Board moved into Closed Session to deliberate on quasi-judicial matters.
At 10:30 a.m. the Board
returned to regular session and reported the following:
Motion 09-033 Moved by Chair Gorrell,
seconded by Member Biegelman:
The Board vacates the Board Determination dated May 12, 2006, and dismisses
EBB Case #04-078, Patrick Sater.
The motion passed
Motion 09-034 Moved by Member Golberg,
seconded by Member Biegelman:
The Board dismisses EEB Case #08-127, Cathleen Carpenter.
The motion passed
H. Retreat Session
Board dedicated two hours to reviewing their strategic plan. They also discussed penalty guidelines and
recovering investigative costs.
I. Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment
being no miscellaneous matters, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Approved by the Board 9/11/09