June 8, 2001
Executive Ethics Board convened in regular session at 10:36 a.m. at the Labor
and Industries Field Service Location, 12806 Gateway Drive in Tukwila.
James M. Vaché,
Laquita Fields, Board Member
Cheryl Rohret, Board Member
Marilee Scarbrough, Board Member
Also Present:
Brian Malarky,
Executive Director
Collins, Counsel to the Board
Jean Wilkinson, New Counsel to the
1. Preliminary Business
Roll call - Board members James
Vaché, Laquita Fields, Cheryl Rohret, and Marilee Scarbrough were present.
b. Approval of Agenda - Item # 9
deleted due to scheduling conflict, otherwise, the Agenda was approved.
c. Approval of Minutes From May 11, 2001,
Regular Meeting - The May 11, 2001 minutes were approved noting minor changes.
2. Welcome
Jean Wilkinson! New Counsel to the Board
Bill Collins introduced Jean Wilkinson who will become
the Board's counsel in September 2001.
An AAG since 1985, Ms. Wilkinson has represented several state
agencies. Since 1993, she has
represented statewide boards and commissions, including the Legislative Ethics
Board and the Commission on Judicial Conduct.
Chair Jim Vaché noted that the Board was very
glad to have Ms. Wilkinson on board but regrets seeing Bill Collins depart.
3. Presentation
- Proposed Stipulation & Order regarding EEB Case No. 00-04
The Executive Director presented this proposed
settlement. The matter involved the use
of state resources to support the respondent's outside work, in violation of
RCW 42.52.160. The proposed penalty of
$1,000 ($500 suspended) was mitigated by discipline imposed by the respondent's
department. The respondent's collective
bargaining representative provided additional comments and noted that the
respondent supports the settlement as drafted.
4. Presentation
- Proposed Stipulation & Order regarding EEB Case No. 00-29
Executive Director presented this proposed settlement. The matter involved an extensive use of state
resources (i.e., e-mails) to support the respondent's work for an outside
non-profit corporation. The proposed
penalty of $1,500 ($750 suspended) was mitigated by the respondent's
cooperation with the Board's staff in this matter.
5. Presentation
- Proposed Stipulation & Order regarding EEB Case No. 99-14
Executive Director presented this proposed settlement. The matter involved an extensive use of state
resources by a private company owned by the respondent's spouse and a conflict
of interest created when the respondent took over management of department
which had permitted his spouse to use state facilities. The settlement included a civil penalty of
$4,000 ($1,500 suspended) and restitution of $4,000.
6. Draft
Advisory Opinion Request # 01-2-0205-15 (01-04), Issuing Personal Service
Contracts to WSSDA Board Members
Executive Director presented this matter. After the last Board meeting WSSDA provided
additional information and answered questions from the Board. The WSSDA Assistant Director thanked board
and staff for addressing this issue and noted that WSSDA has sufficient
information to move forward in better managing the Association and developing
The Board asked the staff to redraft two paragraphs and
bring the final draft back to the July 13 meeting for approval
Draft Advisory Opinion
Request # 01-2-0503-98 (01-05), Gifts to State Officers
Executive Director presented this matter. Chair Vaché
asked the Board staff to re-draft the opinion so that it meets both the
Executive Director and the Board Counsel's approach. Board Counsel will make a redraft and send it
to the Executive Director for comment.
8. Policy
Review - File # 01-6-0313-61 HCA "Gifts" and "Using State
member Marilee Scarbrough moved and Board
Member Cheryl Rohret seconded approval of the Health
Care Authority policies as drafted. The
motion was passed and the policies approved.
Break - 11:35 a.m. to 11:43
9. Staff
Case Status Report
The Board staff distributed an AGO Opinion that states that the
Executive Ethics Board holds jurisdiction regarding the Ethics in Public
Service Act over the Washington State Redistricting Commission.
Case Dismissals
Filed CR101's
Miscellaneous Correspondence
11. Scheduling Issues
The October meeting will be held in Yakima. The Board will hold a retreat on September
13, 2001.
12. Public
Comment/Board Member Comments
Gail Swanson (ESD) proposed that the Board consider
attaching a “certificate” to approved agency policies. Ms. Swanson also proposed that advisory
opinions have an outside review before presentation to board to ensure
readability to the general public.
Finally, Ms. Swanson noted that the EEB website is not being
updated. The Board asked the Executive
Director to confer with the AGO's Director of Administration to resolve this
Lunch Break - 1:00 p.m. to
1:30 p.m.
13. Executive Session
The Board met in Executive Session to consider complaints
against public officials.
The Session began at 2:30 p.m. and ended at 2:57
p.m. At the conclusion the Board
announced the following:
The proposed Stipulation and Order in EEB Case #
00-04 (Johnson) was accepted.
The proposed Stipulation and Order in EEB Case #
00-29 (Lindley) was accepted.
The proposed Stipulation and Order in EEB Case #
99-14 (Casey) was accepted with a modification.
The Board struck all language requiring the Board to issue an advisory
opinion regarding the conduct at issue in the matter.
14. Miscellaneous
Adjourned at
3:00 p.m.
Chair, James M. Vaché
July 13, 2001