2425 Bristol Court SW – 1st Floor Conference Room
148 – Olympia, WA
May 13, 2005
Regular Meeting Minutes
Preliminary Business
Roll Call
The regular meeting of the Washington State Executive Ethics Board
(EEB) was called to order by Chair Paul Zellinsky at 9:05 a.m.
Also present were Vice Chair Trish Akana, and Members Marilee Scarbrough and Judy Golberg.
Member Evelyn Yenson arrived at 10:10 a.m.
Board staff in attendance included:
Director Susan Harris, Kent Nakamura, Senior Assistant Attorney General Linda Moran, Investigator Sue Jones, and Assistant Attorney General Mike Tribble.
Approval of Agenda
Chair Zellinsky asked that the agenda be modified to include a
discussion about a potential advisory opinion request from the Public Hospital
Review Board. This issue will be Item D on the agenda. MOTION was made and
Approval of April 8, 2005
Vice Chair Akana noted grammatical errors and omissions. She also asked that Section 3, Approval of
March 11, 2005 Minutes, fourth paragraph, reflect that the Board’s discussion
was not limited to “buy downs” or the splitting of the cost of an item valued
at over $50 among several individuals so that the cost per person giving the
gift is less than $50.
MOTION made and carried to
approve the minutes as amended.
Staff Reports
Executive Director’s Report
Ms. Harris noted that the Board and Executive
Director have been invited to a reception on May 25 sponsored by the King
County Board of Ethics. The Members
asked that Ms.
Harris attend.
Ms Harris also provided the Members with a draft
brochure developed for new state employees.
The brochure will be finalized in a few weeks.
Ms. Harris updated the Members on staffing issues.
Ms. Harris indicated that, starting next Wednesday,
she has reinstated the monthly meetings of the Agency Ethics Advisors group.
AAG Report
Senior Assistant Attorney General Linda Moran briefed the Members on their ability to
lobby. Currently, the Members are only
allowed to appear at public hearings before the Legislature. In order for them to otherwise communicate
with the Governor or Legislators, a statutory change is needed. However, since the only definition of
lobbying is contained in RCW 42.17, the Members could draft a rule that would
clarify that communicating with the Governor or Legislators on matters directly
pertaining to RCW 42.52 qualifies as an appearance.
The Members asked Ms. Harris to proceed with the rule-making.
Ms. Moran also discussed her role as advisor to
the Board.
Other Staff Reports
No other staff reports were given.
Advisory Opinions
The Public Hospital
Review Board
Kent Nakamura briefed the Members on the history of an
advisory opinion previously sought by the Public Hospital Review Board that was
eventually withdrawn. That board is
considering asking the Members to once again consider its request.
The Members agreed to review materials given them and continue
with a discussion at the next Board Meeting.
Use of Public Resources for Educational
Mr. Nakamura presented the Members with a copy of a
draft Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on whether an agency’s computer equipment
may be used by an employee for the purposes of on-line training or other
educational purposes. Based on discussion
at last month’s Board Meeting, Mr. Nakamura drafted the FAQ.
The Members agreed that staff will include this issue on the
agenda for the Advisors Group meeting and will report back at the next Board
Meeting on any comments received.
Public Comment/Board Member Comment
It was noted that Brian Jensen from DIS and Marie Stephan, the Internal Audit Manager with the
Department of Transportation were present.
Executive or Closed Session
At 10:30 a.m. the Board moved into Executive Session to receive and evaluate
complaints against public employees or officers. Staff and Board counsel were
in attendance.
Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment
The Board returned to public session at 12:05 p.m. and there being no miscellaneous
matters, the meeting was adjourned.