Executive Ethics
Board Meeting Minutes
February 13,
A. Preliminary Business
1. Roll Call - The meeting was
called to order at 9:30 a.m. Present
were Chair, Marilee
Scarbrough; Vice-Chair,Paul
Zellinsky; and Member,James
Vaché. Mr. Zellinsky
appeared by telephone. Also in attendance:
Executive Director, Brian Malarky; Board Counsel, Kent Nakamura; Investigator,
Sue Jones; Board Staff, Debbie O’Dell. Mr. Malarky
introduced new volunteer intern,Mechele
Linehan. Chair
Scarbrough indicated that Member Akana is excused due to a death in the family
and that the Board sends her and the family their condolences.
Approval of Agenda –Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the
agenda as written.
3. Approval of January
12, 2004
Regular Meeting Minutes
– Mr.Malarky
asked the Board to amend the minutes to reflect that the January meeting was
a regular rather than special meeting and to note that the Board accepted two
stipulations and orders with minor modifications. Motion made, seconded and passed to approve
January 12,
2004 minutes with the recommended changes.
B. Proposed
Stipulations and Orders
EEB Case No. 01-009 (Fitzgerald)
The proposed stipulation and order resolves allegation that Brian Fitzgerald,
a former Clinical Pharmacist at Fircrest School, violated the Ethics in Public
Service Act when he received $2,750 in compensation for five speaking presentations
from a pharmaceutical company that engages in business with Fircrest School.
Under the proposed agreement Mr.
agrees to pay a civil penalty in the amount of seven hundred
fifty dollars ($750) and reimburse the Board for investigative costs in
the amount of five hundred dollars ($500).
The Board agrees to suspend two hundred fifty dollars ($250) of
the civil penalty on the condition that Mr.
Fitzgerald complies
with all terms and conditions of the agreement and commits no further violations
of the Ethics Act. Member Vaché asked if agency records indicated that Mr.
Fitzgerald received ethics
training from Board Staff.
Mr. Malarky
responded that he had not. Member Vaché
asked whether that individual was the supervisor at the time of allegations.
Mr. Malarky
responded, "Yes". Member Vaché
then asked about prior supervisors. Mr. Malarky
noted that the investigation did not include the conduct of other supervisors.
Results: After considering the
matter in closed session, the Board accepted the proposed stipulation and
EEB Case No. 02-003 (Willhite) The proposed stipulation and order resolves an allegation that Ron Willhite, a former employee of the
Department of Corrections (
used his
state position to secure special privileges and exemptions by using inmates
and facilities to perform work in support of a non-profit entity of which he
was the director. Under the proposed
agreement Ron
Willhite will pay
$1,640.25 to the DOC for inmate wages and investigative costs in the amount
of $250 to the Board.
Mr. Willhite
will also pay a civil penalty in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500). The Board agrees to suspend the entire civil
penalty on the condition that Ron Willhite
complies with all terms and conditions of this Stipulation and Order and commits
no further violations of the Ethics Act. Chair Scarbrough inquired about which
inmate labor rates were appropriate. Member Vaché asked if there would be a way to
determine the correct rates based on the auditor's report and Board staff's
analysis. Mr.
responded that the exact rate couldn't be calculated because
the inmate's work did not relate to institutional support.
Chair Scarbrough asked whether the balance of $1640 was labor before
or after 1997.
Malarky replied "after".
Mr. Malarky
commented that the investigation was unable to determine a starting point for
inmate wages.
Results: After considering the
matter in closed session, the Board modified the proposed stipulation by eliminating
the requirement that Mr.
Willhite pay the $1640.25. The Board imposed a civil penalty of $750 with
$250 suspended. The unsuspended civil
penalty of $500 included investigative costs of $250.
EEB Case No. 02-043 (Vukich) The proposed stipulation and order resolves an allegation that Edward Vukich, a former Sentencing Guidelines Commission (SGC) employee used his state computer to send or receive personal
e-mail, compose personal documents and access Internet sites for personal reasons.
Under the proposed agreement Mr.
Vukich agrees to pay
a civil penalty in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250). The Board agrees to suspend the entire civil
penalty on the condition that Mr. Vukich
complies with all terms and conditions of this Stipulation and Order and commits
no further violations of the Ethics Act.
Mr. Vukich
will pay $250 for investigative costs in this matter. Chair Scarbrough noted
that the agency stated that "this" was not a misuse violation. Mr.
indicated that the violation was related to the extensive use of state resources
for personal banking and to play trivia games. Vice-Chair Zellinsky asked why the agency felt
the activity was de minimis.
Results: After considering the
matter in closed session, the Board modified the proposed stipulation by deleting
the suspended civil penalty so that the total amount payable shall be $500.
C. Advisory Opinions
Advisory Opinion 04-01, Links to a Private Organization Web Site Advice
Opinion Mr.
briefed the Board members regarding discussion held at the last meeting on whether
or not a state agency may maintain a direct internet link to private non-governmental
web sites or web pages that may advocate for or against a ballot initiative
or a political candidate. After extensive
discussion, the Board asked the Executive Director to implement the changes
recommended by General Administration regarding a disclaimer on the state agency
websites and return the opinion to the Board for final approval. Chair Scarbrough then asked public comments. Mark
Lyon, counsel for the Washington
Public Employee Association (WPEA) encouraged the Board to maintain the direction
the Board was taking regarding the disclaimer.
The WPEA understands and supports the direction that the Board is taking.
However, the WREA would not support an advisory opinion that limits what
their organization may put on their website.
2. Advisory Opinion 04-02, Use of
State Facilities to Support Commercial Activity
provided a summary of previous discussion at the
last Board meeting regarding the use of state facilities to participate in
the creation of letters of recommendation or the review of articles in support
of vendors to promote or sell products to other clients.
After discussion, the Board directed the Executive Director to strengthen
the language prohibiting the use of state resources to support private commercial
activity unless there is statutory authority to provide such references.
D. Staff
Report 1. Legislative Update – No legislation regarding the Ethics in Public
Service Act passed in the 2004 legislative session.
2. Agency Rule Making Update - Mr. Malarky shared a copy of the Board’s letter to General Administration regarding
proposed rules relating to Employee Business Units. Mr. Malarky also shared a copy of the Forest Practice Board's proposed rule with strikeouts
and additions and noted that one aspect of the proposed rule imposes standards
that are more stringent than the Ethics Act. Chair Scarbrough inquired on the status of the
proposed rules. Mr. Malarky indicated that more than likely they have been adopted. The Board discussed adding agency rules to Board’s
"safe harbor" provisions for Board approved policies. Motion made, seconded and passed to move the Public and Board Comment before
Executive or Closed Session.
E. Public
and Board Member Comments
The public was invited to make comments. No
public comments were made. Member Vaché
inquired on the status of the revision to an informal staff analysis r related
to the ability of state officers and employees to sell complimentary
textbooks and then donate the proceeds or to give textbooks to charities or
student organizations. Mr.Malarky
indicated that he conveyed the Board’s comments
via email and will provide a copy to the members.
F. Executive
or Closed Session At 12:01 p.m.,
the Board moved into executive session to consider complaints against public
officials. The Board, Board Counsel,
and Board Staff attended the executive session.
At 12:15 p.m. the board met
in closed session to consider proposed stipulations and orders in several quasi-judicial
maters before them.
G. Miscellaneous
Matters/Adjournment After reconvening the public session at 12:30 p.m., the Board accepted the proposed stipulation
and order in EEB Case No. 01-009. The
Board also accepted the proposed stipulations and order in EEB Cases No. 02-003,
and No. 02-043 with modifications. The
Board announced that due to conflicts in schedules, the March Board meeting
may need to be cancelled or rescheduled. The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.