Executive Ethics Board Regular Meeting Agenda

July 8, 2005

 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.



Schmidt Mansion, 330 Schmidt Place SW, Olympia


A)             Preliminary Business                                                               9:00

1.            Roll Call

2.            Approval of Agenda

3.            Approval of June 10, 2005 Meeting Minutes

B)                   Stipulations and Orders                                                                   

1.            EEB Case No. 02-012 (Leggett)

C)             Executive or Closed Session            


Board Retreat

D)             Review of Strategic Plan, Goals and Objectives                                9:15

E)              Education and Training Plan

BREAK                                                                                                         10:15

F)              Legislative Plan        

G)             Executive Director Dismissals                                                                                 

LUNCH                                                                                                         12:00

H)             Prioritization of Investigations                                                            

I)                Development of Penalty Schedules 

J)               Executive Session Procedures                     

K)             Miscellaneous Matters/Adjournment          


NOTE:  Persons requiring special accommodations or needing assistance should call 360-664-0871 prior to the day of the meeting.